Why do you want to be loved? In the past two years, I met many and lost twice the previous count. There were times when I wanted to get them back. No matter how insulting it may be to call them to visit you back, I did it. As I saw the premature leaf falling down the tree, my mind began processing my emotional needs and wants. I had made myself so emotionally dependent that all I could feel was: "I need them". Needs in daily life are bound to be fulfilled but emotionally if your brain 'needs' someone, I think we need to curb those sugar-coated expectations. The main goal of your life is not to hunt someone to listen to you every time. That is your ' pre-planned destination'. So why do you need the people who may not be with you down the lane? The unnecessary inclusion of people that give you temporary happiness will one day seclude you from your willing self. I have learnt it and to be honest, I am relieved.