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A Trip To The Moon. (A Villanelle Poem) ******

A Trip To The Moon.    (A Villanelle Poem)


I had a dream of an exceptional trip last night,
I was in a spaceship flying high above the sky,
And what I saw was an amazing blissful sight. 

I was enjoying every bit of this unusual flight,
I landed on the moon to touch the cool ground.
I had a dream of an exceptional trip last night

The moon called the stars to see me in my flight.
The stars were twinkling away with happiness
And what I saw was an amazing blissful sight. 

The moon invited me into his house, very bright.
On entering, I inhaled the nutty smell of coffee.
I had a dream of an exceptional trip last night,

Chatting away to glory, with the moon all night,
Enjoying the coffee, tasting just like at home.
And what I saw was an amazing blissful sight

I thanked the moon for being the earth's satelite
And reached back home on time for the sunrise. 
I had a dream of an exceptional trip last night,
And what I saw was an amazing blissful sight. 


Β©Sunita Pathania
  A Trip To The Moon
(A Villanelle Poem using the five senses of sight, hear, smell, taste and touch)


#moon #villanellepoem 

A Trip To The Moon ************************ (A Villanelle Poem using the five senses of sight, hear, smell, taste and touch) #sunitapathania #Moon #villanellepoem #fivesenses #Poetry