Late If we can cross the bridge by the daybreak we won't be late, the commander said to the weary troop marching since the past 12 hours without a break. But we are already late the young lieutenant spoke under his breath which the commander heard. Oh no you don't get the concept of time and what's late he said, trying to keep up the morale of the unit. He ordered for a short break to rest and pulled the lieutenant aside to explain the concept of lateness. It's all relative you see officer, suppose we had reached there earlier than when we were supposed to and the enemy had already been there early too then would we have been early or late? Late sir, the lieutenant snapped. Exactly. So we got the information that the Charlie unit had engaged the enemy at Uggadh sector, and they are not supposed to proceed toward Chaggh sector before noon now. So we still won't be late inspite of being late. Now let's start our journey again as it's only an hour now at our current pace. So we won't be late after all. #yostowrimo #shortstory #latestory #yqbaba