From the mind of some faded ideas, To the statemen

From the mind of some faded ideas,
To the statement like "sochenge phir kabhi".........
We all not only grew up, we all got messed up......... 
And now, action is required......... #6april2k17 #yqbaba #YQDidi #YQ #ideas #Sochenge_Phir_Kabhi #messed_Up #action_now ......
From the mind of some faded ideas,
To the statement like "sochenge phir kabhi".........
We all not only grew up, we all got messed up......... 
And now, action is required......... #6april2k17 #yqbaba #YQDidi #YQ #ideas #Sochenge_Phir_Kabhi #messed_Up #action_now ......