आलोचक खुद को गऱ बेहतर जानना है सच्चाई का खुद को आइना दिखाना है तो खुद को आलोचक की दृष्टि से देखो। तुम्हे अपनी कमियाँ नग्न नाच करती हरदम साफ-साफ दिखेंगी। या तो उसे अभिमान की चाद़र से ढक कर अपना श्रृँगार बना लो। या फिर खुद में सुधार लाकर उन्हीं को तरक्की का मार्ग बना लो। Quote Is Incomplete Without Below Caption: #Faults #YqBaba #YqDidi #YoPoWriMo #IkraashNaama It is Often Said, Even the Mirror shows You What You Want to See, But a True Critic Will Show You What You Want to Hide Desperately... If You Want to Improve in Life, Trust Your Critics More than You Trust Your Appreciators.. Coz Appreciators May Forget to Correct You But the Critic Will Slap You with Your Short-comings at Your Face.. Yes, He Will Thrash You or He May Pull You Down.. But It will be For Your Benefit only.. You Will Find Your Faults and Will be At Bay which You may have not seen earlier when you were surrounded by Appreciators (Who may be Flattering but not True)..