None can bully me better than myself! Wait n watch None can mock me better than myself! Wait n watch None can break me better than myself Wait n watch None can tame me better than myself Wait n watch None can provoke me better than myself Wait n watch.. Here's the catch, you Tryna go toe to toe With the one who's endured Into a union Of adore and abhor.. Play smart, run back into your hole, And lemme swish it off into a glory hole.. You think you're the only one can puke dirty? Then meet the one who married n divorced darkness, Will be obliged to repeat the process.. God's flirty Devil's thirsty.. Lemme serve you with bipolar misery, Don't step in way, None will even remember you ever existed, No record in history.. #NojotoQuote #rapbattle #freestyle #nojotoevery #nojotoEnglish #nojoto #beastmode