It’s been 5 years already. Our memories are still fresh, breathing each day within me. They do not haunt me anymore, as they used to when you left, or rather, when love parted from ‘us’ . Yes, I do think about you every now and then, but not anymore about us. I still do care, from time and again, but I really do not want to start over again. The pain has numbed. It took a lot from me, my time, my peace and moreover myself, but surely gave me a better outlook on people. People I know, and the ones that I am yet to encounter. Now, I do not blindfold myself but SEE. The only thing that I cherish now, is the fact and the lesson that you taught me, ‘I am too naive to love again.’ I am too naive to love again.. #naive #love #breakup #past #yqbaba