Note to Myself Note to self... 🤳Today ill guard m

Note to Myself Note to self...
🤳Today ill guard my heart. I wil
not allow harsh or hurtful words
or the actions of others to
destroy my sense of peace or
set-worth. I cant control anyone
but wmyself, but I can decide how
Will be treated and what | am
wiling to tolerate. Boundaries are
good and Healthy 🤳. Note to self...Today ill guard my heart. I wil
not allow harsh or hurtful words
or the actions of others to
destroy my sense of peace or
set-worth. I cant control anyone
but wmyself, but I can decide how
Will be treated and what | am
wiling to tolerate. Boundaries are
Note to Myself Note to self...
🤳Today ill guard my heart. I wil
not allow harsh or hurtful words
or the actions of others to
destroy my sense of peace or
set-worth. I cant control anyone
but wmyself, but I can decide how
Will be treated and what | am
wiling to tolerate. Boundaries are
good and Healthy 🤳. Note to self...Today ill guard my heart. I wil
not allow harsh or hurtful words
or the actions of others to
destroy my sense of peace or
set-worth. I cant control anyone
but wmyself, but I can decide how
Will be treated and what | am
wiling to tolerate. Boundaries are

Zara Sogra

Silver Star
New Creator