Dear Bruce, We are at peace. You can have your own path, and you deserve happiness as any other being in this world. You will always be defined by what you do, but it would be okay some time to have a rest. See the beauty around you, and find positivity in little things. You cannot have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Deep down, every person has something good in him. Find that and be thankful. Love, yourself and others. For that will bring your liberation. Truth is always going to hurt, and no one can escape that. But your search for the devine must be greater than your fears. People can be killed. Anger can be justified. Injustice can have two perspectives. But that doesn't mean wrong isn't wrong. I think you know this better than me. If you ever indecisive, ask your heart, or Alfred. They are never wrong. Me and your mother has always loved you. We always will be with you, watching, guarding, and feeling proud. And if you ever feel down, remember: "Why do we fall?" -T Wayne (read Caption) #dearsuperherokid #batman #thedarkknight #hero #orphan For those of you who don't know, the letter is written to Bruce Wayne, the batman. He lost his parents in a shooting, and was never the same again. The fear and loss made him a different person, and that changed his life. This is his father, saying him, it is okay to just breathe sometimes, and let go. Why do we fall down? Is a morale he is taught. The answer is: So we might learn to pick ourselves up. PS. Alfred is the family butler. Witty and intelligent. #yqbaba