नशा करना है तो मेरी दोस्ती का कर ए हमनवां। हर गम़-ओ-सितम हर तकलीफ़ भूल जाएगी। नींद की गोलियों में कुछ नहीं रखा जनाब। क्षणिक सुकून दे कर पूरी जिंदगी बर्बाद कर जाएगी। Must Read the Caption Below: I am honestly trying not to write Captions but I am constantly failing as the Topics I raise through My Quotes, need a Post Explanation... So Kindly Bear with Me Again.. Sleeping Pills.. An Addiction which has become more common than any other drug.. I know People don't want to take it but end up taking it due to whatever reasons they have. I am not going to go into that Zone.. I just want to say that People don't realize that it is not a good addiction.. and can have very serious effects in long run.. If u don't feel sleepy, try to change your routine, your habits, indulge in more of physical exercises/activities, gel more with ur family and relatives, express yourself.. U need to.. Take a Counsel if required.. There is nothing to feel shame about it.. But don't keep anything to yourself.. It will only eat you from inside before you even know it....