Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Read in Captions a beautiful story Once upon a tim

Read in Captions a beautiful story Once upon a time, there was a cow who was wandering on the road. Suddenly a butcher came there and saw the cow. He moved towards her and she started running. Seeing her run, he too started chasing. After she got tired, she stopped and the butcher caught her. She requested him to let her go as she is very weak and promised him that she will come the next day so that he can catch her. He agreed and let her go. The next day, he was searching for the same cow he had caught the previous day, but couldn't find her. Suddenly he saw her standing at the corner of the road. He started chasing her. Seeing him come, the cow again started running and this time she was able to save herself from the merciless butcher. He gave in as he was very exhausted. He asked her why she hadn't fulfilled her promise to which she replied that the previous day, she ate chappati from the hands of a non-vegetarian person. So she was very weak to defend herself. This time she ate chappati from the hands of a Jain person and now she is strong. She asked him to leave his profession and adopt the path of non-violence. The butcher was really overwhelmed and decided to give up his profession and started following the path of non-violence and became a Jain. 
Moral :- Always adopt non-violence and live and let others live as life is precious to every living organism.
Read in Captions a beautiful story Once upon a time, there was a cow who was wandering on the road. Suddenly a butcher came there and saw the cow. He moved towards her and she started running. Seeing her run, he too started chasing. After she got tired, she stopped and the butcher caught her. She requested him to let her go as she is very weak and promised him that she will come the next day so that he can catch her. He agreed and let her go. The next day, he was searching for the same cow he had caught the previous day, but couldn't find her. Suddenly he saw her standing at the corner of the road. He started chasing her. Seeing him come, the cow again started running and this time she was able to save herself from the merciless butcher. He gave in as he was very exhausted. He asked her why she hadn't fulfilled her promise to which she replied that the previous day, she ate chappati from the hands of a non-vegetarian person. So she was very weak to defend herself. This time she ate chappati from the hands of a Jain person and now she is strong. She asked him to leave his profession and adopt the path of non-violence. The butcher was really overwhelmed and decided to give up his profession and started following the path of non-violence and became a Jain. 
Moral :- Always adopt non-violence and live and let others live as life is precious to every living organism.

Anant Jain

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