Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Forget physical touch and cheesy talks Fake promis

Forget physical touch and cheesy talks
Fake promises and shameless laughs 
The way our eyes collide together for a nano second 
The way our energy speaks to each other 
The way we both bring smile to each other
And we both try hard to not display
Without even uttering a word 
The tension that's clearly visible 
At his lion face,The safety that his presence offers 
To my insecure feminine energy 
The relief that my presence has on him
And the calm that our energies have on each other 
The sense of completion that he brings to me and 
The amount of bliss I have on him 
The respect that bows us both down for each other 
The innocence,those shy gestures 
The fear of being apart 
Those tiny steps towards each other 
The wait,silly disappointment 
The inner knowing that we are meant to be 
Even if it's only in my head 
This is the true definition of intimacy
People justify body hunger with love 
While true love pours through eyes and care 
That's really rare
Ever believed in twin flames and soul mates 
Yes , Yes 
I wouldn't exaggerate 
What's mine will find me to stay....

©ashita pandey  बेबाक़ #Thinking  खतरनाक लव स्टोरी शायरी लव शायरी हिंदी में शायरी लव रोमांटिक लव शायरी हिंदी में
Forget physical touch and cheesy talks
Fake promises and shameless laughs 
The way our eyes collide together for a nano second 
The way our energy speaks to each other 
The way we both bring smile to each other
And we both try hard to not display
Without even uttering a word 
The tension that's clearly visible 
At his lion face,The safety that his presence offers 
To my insecure feminine energy 
The relief that my presence has on him
And the calm that our energies have on each other 
The sense of completion that he brings to me and 
The amount of bliss I have on him 
The respect that bows us both down for each other 
The innocence,those shy gestures 
The fear of being apart 
Those tiny steps towards each other 
The wait,silly disappointment 
The inner knowing that we are meant to be 
Even if it's only in my head 
This is the true definition of intimacy
People justify body hunger with love 
While true love pours through eyes and care 
That's really rare
Ever believed in twin flames and soul mates 
Yes , Yes 
I wouldn't exaggerate 
What's mine will find me to stay....

©ashita pandey  बेबाक़ #Thinking  खतरनाक लव स्टोरी शायरी लव शायरी हिंदी में शायरी लव रोमांटिक लव शायरी हिंदी में