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A strong woman knows she has strength enough for t

A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.

©Vivek Mayur A #strong #woman knows she has #strength enough for the #journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.”

#NationalSimplicityDay #womenempowerment #Women #womenpower #girls #girlsrighttostalkmen
A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.

©Vivek Mayur A #strong #woman knows she has #strength enough for the #journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.”

#NationalSimplicityDay #womenempowerment #Women #womenpower #girls #girlsrighttostalkmen

Vivek Mayur

New Creator

A #Strong #Woman knows she has #Strength enough for the #Journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” #NationalSimplicityDay #womenempowerment #Women #womenpower #girls #girlsrighttostalkmen