the queen walks to the podium-- without funfare, without fear; and when she speaks, you listen; because her voice resounds, with truth. a queen in name and more in person; she exudes a regal glow. a fair and respectful leader; she is a champion for the bullied, the innocent, the unloved, and the poor. her beauty isn't faked, fickle, or loud. she carries herself with confidence; yet, can humbly admit her imperfections. she is untainted. she is real. she is consistent. so, without the need for validation; she is authentic, strong, and bold. a queen who speaks the truth and jolts the soul; her beauty inspires, brightly, from within. aim to be a queen who knows herself to the core. #queen #woman #strong #confidence #respectful #yqbaba #diwa #reflectionsofthebrokenheart