Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform



        I AM RAVAN

Look at me
I am Ravan, a bundle of negative feelings and emotion
I don't have a friend which I can say my own
I have a family, wife, kids and a kingdom 
But my only friend, my love,  is my inflated ego
I invariably carry it with me wherever I go
In all my pursuits I seek its satisfaction
The mainstay of my life is ego and it's gratification

On ego stands greed, hatred and jealousy 
Treachery, dishonesty and malice
And I am an epitome of all these 
Throughout life, I remained in their constant company.
Family, relationship, love and religion are beautiful till they satisfy one's ego and vanity.
When one's ego is hurt nothing remains his 
The ego becomes his only religion, love and life
And I am no exception to all this.

Ego defines me and my surrounding 
It is ego that pushes me hard 
It is ego that made me what I am
An island in myself 
Where I live my life in my solitary asylum 
With ego, my passion and love

From cradle to the grave
Life rests on self-esteem and ego 
It is the biggest motivator that keeps life on the go
Nothing is as compelling as ego
Life is a continuous endeavour in pursuit of ego and self-gratification 
The desire for appreciation and recognition, pelf and power, fuel hatred, jealousy and ego 
Together they separate one from the rest of others 
Nothing but they define me and my action better.

Rama killed me
But I live in you, in your heart and soul
Run in your artery and vein 
And possess your whole  being 
You burn me every year
From ashes I come back with renewed vigour
Burn you every minute and second 
Neither you can burn me, nor kill
Rather I burn you, kill you every moment.
I am beyond death, time and space 
I am your ego, deathless immortal Ravan.

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty© A LOOK AT LIFE-60

        I AM RAVAN

Look at me
I am Ravan, a bundle of negative feelings and emotion
I don't have a friend which I can say my own

        I AM RAVAN

Look at me
I am Ravan, a bundle of negative feelings and emotion
I don't have a friend which I can say my own
I have a family, wife, kids and a kingdom 
But my only friend, my love,  is my inflated ego
I invariably carry it with me wherever I go
In all my pursuits I seek its satisfaction
The mainstay of my life is ego and it's gratification

On ego stands greed, hatred and jealousy 
Treachery, dishonesty and malice
And I am an epitome of all these 
Throughout life, I remained in their constant company.
Family, relationship, love and religion are beautiful till they satisfy one's ego and vanity.
When one's ego is hurt nothing remains his 
The ego becomes his only religion, love and life
And I am no exception to all this.

Ego defines me and my surrounding 
It is ego that pushes me hard 
It is ego that made me what I am
An island in myself 
Where I live my life in my solitary asylum 
With ego, my passion and love

From cradle to the grave
Life rests on self-esteem and ego 
It is the biggest motivator that keeps life on the go
Nothing is as compelling as ego
Life is a continuous endeavour in pursuit of ego and self-gratification 
The desire for appreciation and recognition, pelf and power, fuel hatred, jealousy and ego 
Together they separate one from the rest of others 
Nothing but they define me and my action better.

Rama killed me
But I live in you, in your heart and soul
Run in your artery and vein 
And possess your whole  being 
You burn me every year
From ashes I come back with renewed vigour
Burn you every minute and second 
Neither you can burn me, nor kill
Rather I burn you, kill you every moment.
I am beyond death, time and space 
I am your ego, deathless immortal Ravan.

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty© A LOOK AT LIFE-60

        I AM RAVAN

Look at me
I am Ravan, a bundle of negative feelings and emotion
I don't have a friend which I can say my own