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Abhinav Roy

Hi, i am abhinav, here to make friends , insta-alaneriq_ plz contact there to be friends there! Hope u would have a nice day!

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Abhinav Roy

Success is not final;failure is not fatal:it is the courage that continues to count Don't be afraid of failures and don't be happy with successes , they come and they go , what counts is how much courage and effort u put on yr work to pursue yr dream . cheers

Don't be afraid of failures and don't be happy with successes , they come and they go , what counts is how much courage and effort u put on yr work to pursue yr dream . cheers #Quotes

3 Love


Abhinav Roy

It is not what is outside, but what's INSIDE that takes you to the top. Don't change yr attitude by looking at the others and the environment, becuz what matters in the end is yr internal strength. cheers

Don't change yr attitude by looking at the others and the environment, becuz what matters in the end is yr internal strength. cheers #Quotes

1 Love


Abhinav Roy

It is never too late to be what you might have been. Don't worry , age is only a matter of mind ,they are just no. , so just start today what u want to become now by thinking about it and how to reach your goal.

Don't worry , age is only a matter of mind ,they are just no. , so just start today what u want to become now by thinking about it and how to reach your goal. #Quotes

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Abhinav Roy

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.
 Plan your goals today!!

Plan your goals today!! #Quotes

1 Love


Abhinav Roy

If the facts don't fit the theory ,change the facts. Never give up,believe in yourself, u will definitely win , cheers.

Never give up,believe in yourself, u will definitely win , cheers. #Quotes

2 Love


Abhinav Roy

Ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country. Our country gives us freedom ,food , land to live but what we do for our country in return? Many will say we give taxes , but think how these taxes are being spent, think something new and innovative to make our country the best.

Our country gives us freedom ,food , land to live but what we do for our country in return? Many will say we give taxes , but think how these taxes are being spent, think something new and innovative to make our country the best. #Quotes

1 Love


Abhinav Roy

Age is an issue of mind over matter. 
If you don't mind it ; it doesn't matter.

6 Love

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