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Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

[( I don't care if you don't like me, I was not Born to impress you !!!! ) ( When you decide that you don't care anymore, believe me no one can damage you emotionally !!!! )] ...........................................................««««« To be a poet is a condition not a profession.(Robert Frost) A poem begins with delight and ends with wisdom (Robert Frost) And the origin of poetry is from the depth of soul, heart and mind. With the response of all three without lacking even a single one. Stay away from negative people,they have problem for every solution (Albert Einstein). I can calculate the movement of a Star but not the madness of men. (Sir Isaac Newton) "Little science takes you away from God but more of it takes you to Him." ~( Louis Pasteur) Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. (Sir Isaac Newton) Genius is patience. (Sir Isaac Newton) Literature can never be dissociated from life. Literature has its origin in the heart of man. It is based on the experiences of life. The writer experiences life. He experiences the merry and mourn. He experiences it's pain and pleasure. He observes sunshine and shadow. He has a very sensitive heart. !!!?!!!

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Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

Pals Nostalgia

In the deep dark vales
 of the philocalist mind, 
Are buried the tales
that are hard to find,

Of the gaiety moments in erstwhile shade, 
by jesting, talking and serenade. 
In the companion of the dearest mates, 
With whome to reunite the soul awaits.
The sportive acts with jocular pals, 
And chuckle burst, due to their goofy skalls.
What can we do now; other than to mourn; 
As the old butterfly days are gone.

What remains is the dead emotions; 
and a melancholic souls' sublime,
Scavenging thoughts and bountiful notions,
Resulted due to the hits of time.

©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj) #Memories #Friend #Nostalgia

Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

Sonnet (Lake or Love) 

The glistering pearls in vitreous shallow, 
Of a blissful Moana with musical waves ! 
Composes an ode with her tender shadow;
And drenches the sky with cloudy paves :

The sprinkled drops from sky which kiss, 
the gleanings of her sunburn hand :
And there spreads an euphoria of bliss;
In celestial heavens or the graves in sand :

When the sudden slim wind finds the way, 
And flows through dark and delimit heart;
Fills it with shades of bliss and gay, 
And drenches the soul with misty spurt. 

The above lines touches my soul and nerve, 
Which either describes nature or my lost love !!

©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj) #Love #lostlove #grief #Nature #Pain #Broken 


Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)


©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)


Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

प्रथम दिवस आषाढ मास, छिटके निदाघ जंजीर |
अधीर चेतना आकाश चले, जब घन लिए आए शमीर ||
दूर क्षितिज के गिरीश्रृंग पर, श्याम घटा कर के वारिधर;
 घन घनघोर घिरत चले आए, गरजत आवे - करण सुहाए;
तन आकार परम विकराला, लिपट कंठ चित विद्युत्माला;
तन विशाल गजभूप समाना, मन जैसे चित क्रुद्ध निधाना;
घिर व्योम पे आए बदराकाले, यथा प्रायुध्कुंजर मतवाले;
भाल ताडय जो करते दन्तिन्,दमके चपला सह शब्दादिन्;
चित मनसे अधीर हो उड़ते लघु खग वृंद |
डोलत मरुत् तरंग में शोभे अति अरविंद ||

©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj) #hangout

Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

गत्वा चोर्ध्वं दशमुखभुजोच्छ्वसितप्रस्थसंधेः
कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः।
श्रृङ्गोच्छ्रायैः कुमुदविशदैर्यो वितत्य स्थितः खं
राशीभूतः प्रतिदिनमिव त्र्यम्बकस्याट्टहास: ॥ ५८॥
After ascending higher, thou shouldst become the guest of Kailāsa, the joints of whose summits have been slackened by the arms of Rāvana, which is the mirror of the wives of the gods, which fills the sky with its lofty peaks white , like lotuses, and which resembles the laughter of Siva accumulated day by day.
(Kālidāsa's Meghdūtam, sloka - 58)

©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj) #Mountains

Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

इस तम जीवन कातर मन को कोई बसंत दिखलाओ तो, 
और संध्यांचल की मधुर रश्मि को रजनीमय बन जाने दो,
इन सर्द हृदय अंगारों में अब कोई आग लगाओ तो, 
ऐ विश्व कवि तुम मुझको कोई नव राग सुनाओ तो!

©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj) #BoneFire

Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

Talking to figurine or dolls has nothing bizarre, but make sure that the conversation is one-sided!!

©Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj) #horror #joke

Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

कातर प्रणय विराग (A neo - romantic poem : छायावाद) -: Erotica कातर प्रणय विराग (A neo - romantic poem : छायावाद) -: Erotica
कातर स्वर में प्रेम प्रसंग, रजनी कलि ने आँखें खोली -
सुधा - पराग मिल प्रान बने अौर शहद भरी मीठी बोली ||

यूँ रक्त कनों में घुल मिल कर,जब प्रेम प्रार्थना गान करे -
स्पर्श यथा कातर मन से, अंबर तले रसपान करे ||

कातर प्रणय विराग (A neo - romantic poem : छायावाद) -: Erotica .......................................................... कातर स्वर में प्रेम प्रसंग, रजनी कलि ने आँखें खोली - सुधा - पराग मिल प्रान बने अौर शहद भरी मीठी बोली || यूँ रक्त कनों में घुल मिल कर,जब प्रेम प्रार्थना गान करे - स्पर्श यथा कातर मन से, अंबर तले रसपान करे || #erotica


Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

The moment I face towards the sky,
Where glistering clouds are white & cold;
I feel the essence of my lost love, 
Whose tender hands I use to hold !! #lostlove #nojoto #poetry #poem

lostlove nojoto poetry poem


Foundation Persnickety (Rishav Bhardwaj)

इन सर्द हृदय अंगारों में
अब कोई आग लगाओ तो, 
ऐ विश्व कवि तुम मुझको 
कोई नव राग सुनाओ तो! #poem #eloquence

poem eloquence
