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namonamo shankra

har har mahadev

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namonamo shankra

संसार से मोह का अर्थ है कि आप अपने लक्ष्य से भटक गये हैं।
Attachment to the world means you have deviated from your goal.
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra Life lessons shiv bhakti Attachment to the world means you have deviated from your goal.

Life lessons shiv bhakti Attachment to the world means you have deviated from your goal.


namonamo shankra

सफ़लता।  लक्ष्य है आपको हासिल करना।  चाहिए
Success.  The goal is to achieve you.  Needed
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra #Life lessons motivational Success.  The goal is to achieve you.  Needed

#Life lessons motivational Success. The goal is to achieve you. Needed


namonamo shankra

आपके पास खुश रहने के लिए हर वो पल है। आप के  जिंदगी में मेरे दोस्त आप चाहें तो अपने जीवन का हर पल खुशी से बिता सकते हैं।
You have every moment to be happy.  In your life, my friend, if you wish, you can spend every moment of your life happily.
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra #Life lessons You have every moment to be happy.  In your life, my friend, if you wish, you can spend every moment of your life happily.

#Life lessons You have every moment to be happy. In your life, my friend, if you wish, you can spend every moment of your life happily.


namonamo shankra

ॐ नमः शिवाय वह शब्द है जिसके जाप से आप अपने जीवन को पवित्र और सकारात्मक बना सकते हैं, यकीन मानिए।
Om Namah Shivay is that word by chanting which you can make your life pure and positive, believe me.
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra #Life lessons shiv bhakti

#Life lessons shiv bhakti


namonamo shankra

प्रेम दो सच्चे दिलो का मिलन है प्रेम दो आत्माओ का मिलन है.।
Love is the union of two true hearts. Love is the union of two souls.
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra #Life lessons Prem Love is the union of two true hearts. Love is the union of two souls.

#Life lessons Prem Love is the union of two true hearts. Love is the union of two souls.


namonamo shankra

आपमें हर वो गुण है जो आपको सफल बनाता है।  यकीन मानिए मेरे दोस्त
You have every quality that makes you successful.  believe me my friend
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra #Life lessons You have every quality that makes you successful.  believe me my friend

#Life lessons You have every quality that makes you successful. believe me my friend


namonamo shankra

#Life lessons shiv bhakti

#Life lessons shiv bhakti


namonamo shankra

#Shiv bhakti

#Shiv bhakti #Life


namonamo shankra

#Shiv bhakti

#Shiv bhakti #Life


namonamo shankra

जिंके जट्टा बिच गंगा बिराजे गले बिच नाग बिराजे माथ चन्द्रमा सोभे वो है शिव शंकर भोलेनाथ
Dhnyvaad Har Har Mahadev

©namonamo shankra Life lessons shiv bhakti

Life lessons shiv bhakti
