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All I need for now is to see you in a saree.
Showing me enough, yet showing me nothing,
Wear it right around others,
But handle it clumsily around me,
Bit of your cleavage here, bit of your waist and the waist chain there,
Take care of the pleats, insert them right, 
Right in front of me in public, yet nobody else,
Make me drool, day dream, forget the surrounding.

Adorn in jewellery,
Ear rings, heavy, which could tear ur ears off ur face,
Septum rings, ready to be tasted when ur lips are tasted,
Anklets, simple and sweet,
Riding high on your heels.

All I need for now is to see you in a saree,
Black with golden border,
Adorned in jewellery,
Like a princess,
Just as in a million hearts.

©D D #princess #sareelove



Marks, does anybody wonder about the difference?
The difference it makes, in the mind,
The mind of the one receiving it,
And the one giving it.

Pain, of the marks, on the one inflicting it,
And the one receiving it, 
Two different dimensions.

One says, I want to take it all,
Other says, give me all you can.

But both shall say, I fucking love you, almost explicitly.

Marks, a brutal way to say, “ILOVEYOU.”
As embalmed as that sentence within quotes above reads, Without any spaces.

Marks, I wonder if anybody could leave anybody bloodied,
If they weren’t in love, understanding consent,
Understanding the person that they have with them,
For themselves, at that moment,
A psychotic love.

Marks, yes they are beautiful,
All it needs is the mind,
Mind, the all powerful, 
And it shall decide.

©D D #Marks #bdsm



Where does your morality start and end for you!!
As a human?

Is it the lies?
Or is it the honesty?
Cause anybody could be honest and anybody could lie?

Is it just from the one you know?
Or is it always from any stranger?
Cause a person could matter to you  and still could lie!
And a stranger could be completely honest !

Is morality what the society thinks is right ?
Is morality what you think is right ?

What the hell is morality?
Who matters and who don’t ?
Couldn’t the one you care lie because of circumstances?
Couldn’t the one you care be honest to your face and make you feel awkward?
Couldn’t the one u don’t even know do the same ?
Whom would you pick?
The known devil or the unknown angel ?

My mind ponders !!!!
What the fing hell is morality ?
Is it just social norms ?
Do all human feel about it the same way ?

©D D #morality


Being a bitch

Being a bitch, that you were,
All along, 
But yes, an excuse for you, periods.
Good for you, brat..
Good for you.

Thank you for all the bites, scratches, and the kicks,
Your hair all over my bed,
Your fragrance all over my bed and me, from the cuddles,
Letting me carry the used pads,
Love the primal in you,
When you are bleeding between your legs.

Thank you for letting me touch u,
Inspecting you,
Feel that warmth,
Watch my hand bloodied,
With the very blood from,
Between your legs,
I have enjoyed it,
With my gritty teeth,
Pain from ur bites and scratches,
Now I know how u shall feel,
The next time,
Shall be different from now,
Just letting you know,
About things in store,
For the time shalleth happen,
When u shall not be the primal that you were today.

Time for me to,
Be the bitch,
Be the Sadist.

Time, it shall wait,
Time, it shall heal.
See you on the other side.

©D D #bloodbath


Thank you for your service

Open up,
Let me in,
Let me glide in there.

Fingers grabbing your hair, holding them tight,
Your head held high, looking up,
For me to dwell in.

Open up,
Let me in,
Grazing the inners,
Up, down, left and right,
Wetting you up, for me to feed on it,

Feel me inside you,
As I suck your tongue,
Freeing u from the inhibitions,
Opening up your mouth wider,
Grazing your teeth, tongue and the inner cheeks.
After every hard hitting, in depth kiss.

Open up,
Feel my kiss,
My thank you to you,
For all your services.

©D D #kisses



Blindfolded.. on all fours,
collared and leashed,
Bare skin naked as a newly born,
Waiting at the open door, for my command

It had started with me asking her to strip,
“For your pleasure daddy”,
“Your slut, ready to be used”,
“Cumdump, waiting to be trashed”,
And Endearments of “her choice”, 
After each of her attires were stripped off her skin
“Proud of myself to have let her choose her own endearments” I think aloud to myself with a smirk.

Silence, such a wonderful toy,
To play with her mind,
Her blindfold, making her overthink,
Depriving her of all her senses.

Guiding her to the doorway, a pleasure,
Making her wait,
3 AM in the chilly morning, 
Her to be on all her fours,
Waiting for seconds,minutes and hours,
Just for my command.

Feel the wetness.

©D D #bdsm #collared #leashed #petplay


Heaven and hell on Earth,
Where shall we find it ?

The Demon in me:

Assumptions, expectations and guilt,
Lack of communication, 
Leaving behind a bloody trail.
Past, it shall be, yet ever present,
Drowning you in to an abyss,
So deep, that feel the heat,
Numbing ur senses, within your MIND
Submit to the senses 
And there you see your HELL.

The Angel in me:

Words, ever so potent,
Strong enough to pull u up,
From that abyss,
Letting you fly, far higher up,
Letting u look at your past,
Lessons learnt,
Strike a chord, Let your MIND,
Take control, leading you to a path of,
Learning, understanding and change,
Dominate your senses,
And there you see your HEAVEN.

Heaven and hell on earth,
Find it right within you,

©D D #angelsanddemons #Domination #Submission


Freedom, that I give you,
Shall last, as long as you want.
Freedom to feel uneasy in my ropes,
Freedom to wither in pain to my impact,
Freedom to feel the warmth of my wax,
Freedom to feel the cold of my Ice,
Freedom to be the subconscious you, to my words,
Freedom to feel the heat of my rimming,
Freedom, so much freedom for you to play with.

Yet, you end up binding me to you,
Your mind, Your soul, Your body,
Time and again,
Alas, My Freedom,
My own Freedom.
I surrender to you.

©D D #freedom #bdsm


"I am embarassed", is all she said,
When i said Stop,
To my babygirl.
All I had asked of her,
Was to smudge her lipstick
To kneel, close her eyes, lick her lips,
From corner to corner,
Upper lips to the lower,
Sliding gracefully,
Drool all the way, as she continued licking,
Leaving droplets of her mouth cum on her pyjamas,
Me murmuring in to her ears, 
All that feelings of mine,
Till Daddy said "STOP".

The wonderful babygirl, that she was,
The good brat that she was,
She had touched her lips,
Even though I had asked her not to.
And FUNishment was in order.

©D D
  #bdsm #funishment #love


The black rose - her, 
Mystic, hidden, yet ever present.
Rising high through a stalk of thorns - her past.
She bloomed, when the sun shine kissed the bud,
She spread her scent, when the petals were caressed,
She swayed, everytime wind blew - her emotions,
She withered, when she was all done - her Submission.

©D D
  #blackrose #bdsm