Writing is my passion. I usually write four lines poem (Rubayi) where you can express whole your words meaningfully. I don't use another's content directly without honouring with their name. I'm purely so emotional person and I use my all the emotions in writing. शायरी है मेरा अंदाज़-ए-सुख़न जिगर की खूँ से स्याही बना के लिखता हूँ ✍️ एजाज़ अश्क I usually use "Ashk" as my Pen Name (Takhallus), Sometimes in angry mood I use "Aatish" in Takhallus. If you like my Lines (Ash-Aar), Poems (Nazm) & Quotes, Please Like & Share Follow me on Instagram I'm on Instagram as @aijaz4ever. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=7qyzo5fdluld&utm_content=cunjf4p