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Deepali Singh

Give me a word l will give you a poem

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Deepali Singh

In the darkness of night, a shadow stands
An invisible figure, in the silent lands ,
A form unseen, a presence felt
A phantom figure, in a silent, mystic melt ,
Its presence whispers softly, in the wind's gentle ear
A mysterious and fearless figure, beyond all fear..!

©Deepali Singh #sadquotes

Deepali Singh


The stormy winds begin to blow,
Dark clouds gather, the thunder grows.
The rain comes down in sheets of grey,
And the storm rages on its way.

©Deepali Singh #stormtime

Deepali Singh

White अंधेरी राहें ......
और बुलंद बाहें...!
जहाँ गूँजते हों सन्नाटे और
रातों में हो बेबाक ठहाके ..!
वहाँ...वो रोशनी के शहज़ादे 
और यहाँ...अंधेरों से बातें...!
तुम कहाँ से चल पाओगे...
ऐसे में बेख़ौफ़ कदम बढ़ाके ..?

©Deepali Singh #motivational Status

motivational Status


Deepali Singh

White ऊपर ये धुंधली छटा ..
और नीचे वो अकेली राह ..,
बीच इनके लगता है जैसे ..
बच गया कुछ खाली सा..!

©Deepali Singh #राह 

राह छटा quotes


Deepali Singh

White जो छलाँग़ यूँही लगाई थी ...
जरा... देख रज़ा दुआओं की..!
ऐसे डटकर जो है अड़ी हुई 
जैसे हवाओं पर हो आके टिकी ..!
क्या देखा है कहीं और भी...
सब इतना संतुलित और सही..?

©Deepali Singh #motivation quotes

Deepali Singh

White अंधेरी राहें 
और बुलंद बाहें ,
गूँजते सन्नाटे और
रातों के ये ठहाके ..!
वहाँ...वो रोशनी के शहज़ादे 
और यहाँ...अंधेरों से बातें...
कहाँ तलाश पाओगे...
ऐसे में बेख़ौफ़ शख्शियत वाले..?

©Deepali Singh #Fearnot 

Deepali Singh

"Don't judge a book 📚 by it's cover "

...Reality is often more than what meets the eye. Sometimes, the most interesting stories are found between the lines, not on the cover page. 
It's the unseen, the unheard, and the untold
 that truly shape who we are and what we're..!

©Deepali Singh #I

Deepali Singh

"Reality is often more than what meets the eye. Sometimes, the most interesting stories are found between the lines, not on the cover page. It's the unseen, the unheard, and the untold that truly shape who we are and what we're about."

©Deepali Singh #I

Deepali Singh

Mature by mind
kid by heart
Tough from outside
Soft from inside 
"Don't judge a book 📚 by it's cover "

"Reality is often more than what meets the eye. Sometimes, the most interesting stories are found between the lines, not on the cover page. 
It's the unseen, the unheard, and the untold
 that truly shape who we are and what we're about."

©Deepali Singh #I

Deepali Singh

Unsplash छूटता क्यों नहीं 
दीदार का सिलसिला..!
ऐ मेरे दिल बता 
ये इश्क़ है या 
बस यूँ ही मन की व्यथा?

©Deepali Singh #traveling