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Dr Deviyani Singh

Editor of an Education magazine

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Dr Deviyani Singh


On the Writer's Table at anytime, 
Poetry sits like goblets of fine wine,
Indeed a pleasure,
To be sipped at leisure, 
Savour varied flavours of bouquet's divine.

©Dr Deviyani Singh #BookLife

Dr Deviyani Singh

Happy Friday thec13th 😊

©Deviyani Singh Happy Friday the 13th 😊

The unLUCKy One 

On the 12th at midnight the clock struck,
I missed it by a whisker & so did my luck.
Born on the 13th, 13 letters to my name.
My luck was destined by fate to be lame.

Happy Friday the 13th 😊 The unLUCKy One On the 12th at midnight the clock struck, I missed it by a whisker & so did my luck. Born on the 13th, 13 letters to my name. My luck was destined by fate to be lame.


Dr Deviyani Singh

My College Cafeteria 

Heated politics over sweet tea,
Romance with bitter espresso coffee.
Sweaty sports and iced nimbu pani,
Gooey banana shakes & malai lassi. 

Chats over scrumptious samosas,
Meal substitutes of bread pakoras.
Crispy dosa-sambhar & watery chutney,
Bun anda & midnight library studies. 

Brown chops & orange sauce of kadoo,
Oily stuffed parathas of gobhi & aloo.
We avoided Mess food & bunked Class,
The Cafeteria owner was our only boss. 

Tangy aroma of spicy veg noodles,
Coke & Banta Lemon served in oodles.
Greasy tables etched with love doodles,
Those ole days,for food we didn't google.

©Deviyani Singh #cafeteria

Dr Deviyani Singh


©Deviyani Singh #environment

Dr Deviyani Singh

                      SHADOWS      by -Dr. Deviyani Singh
Trying to emerge out of the Shadows of darkness stygian,
That threatens to crystallise my heart into black obsidian.
Shadows loom on the edges of my Cimmerian gloom,
Plunging my soul into a murky, inky abyss of doom. 

Shadows looming large like my fears,
Threatening to engulf all i hold dear.
Playing strange tenebrous tricks on my mind,
They hide 'n' seek ever eclipsing sides like Jekyl and Hyde. 

From dawn to dusk these Shadows wax and wane,
Changing sombre shades like my premonitions and pain.
Lurking stealthily from umbra to penumbra,
Till i'm numb with pain and greatly outnumbered. 

Overthinking they stretch like my imagination,
Casting darkness and threatening aparitions.
Multipying their darkness even with every light,
Still these shrouded Shadowy demons i must fight. 

They tug at my feet; cling and pull me down,
These slinky Shadows they are all around.
Keep going, don't look down or make a sound,
My elder's voices resound with advice profound. 

Stealthy Shadows surround me for miles around,
Yet trudging through the darkness my way i found.
A Silhoutte i'm now & Shadows merely follow me around,
Forever at my side,licking at my heels like a faithful hound.

©Deviyani Singh #shadows

Dr Deviyani Singh

Happy to share that my poem got the 2nd prize in a competition i had sent it for on Shadows theme. 🤩

©Deviyani Singh Happy to share that my poem got the 2nd prize in a competition i had sent it for on Shadows theme. 🤩

Happy to share that my poem got the 2nd prize in a competition i had sent it for on Shadows theme. 🤩


Dr Deviyani Singh

समस्याओं के घाट पर हम A poem i wrote

©Deviyani Singh


Dr Deviyani Singh

समस्याओं के घाट पर हम A poem i wrote

©Deviyani Singh


Dr Deviyani Singh

A poem i wrote for the Farmers...

©Deviyani Singh A poem i wrote for the Farmers...

A poem i wrote for the Farmers...


Dr Deviyani Singh

a poem i wrote

©Deviyani Singh
