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Arundhuti Biswas


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Arundhuti Biswas

Unsplash What is more powerful?

A painful  smile,
with a broken heart.
or thousand dreams,
and desire for fresh start.

©Arundhuti Biswas #library

Arundhuti Biswas

White Love is not a burden
But has a zeal
Every sorrows or merry time
It makes you feel

©Arundhuti Biswas #love_shayari

Arundhuti Biswas

White It never sees past
 Unconcerned about time ahead
Just feel the moment 
And difficulties will fade

©Arundhuti Biswas #love_shayari

Arundhuti Biswas

White Love is pure
Doesn't care death 
Or doesn't worry
To be controlled  by faith

©Arundhuti Biswas #Love   poetry lovers poetry love poetry for her love poetry in english

Love poetry lovers poetry love poetry for her love poetry in english #Poetry


Arundhuti Biswas

White Just look into the mirror,
Praise the way you are.
Those dazzling eyes tells your wisdom,
Charms like a eclipse and morning star.

Your worth is priceless ,
Can't  be described through words.
You are born from the brunt ashes,
Just like a phoenix bird.

Your voice comforts 
 broken soul.
Wipes their tears of pain,
Melodious like an oracle,
Your efforts never go in vain.

It is labyrinth for me,
To be a friend like you.
Your company,
Feels like winter's first dew.

©Arundhuti Biswas #power

Arundhuti Biswas

White But don't  think it suppress,
The scars of past.
Those are vibrant  enough
To remain long last

©Arundhuti Biswas #Thinking

Arundhuti Biswas

White Feeling  inside  me ,
Tries to egress my heart.
To hide that pain
Eyes and smile are enough  alert.

©Arundhuti Biswas #Thinking

Arundhuti Biswas

White How solitary I am
Don't you ever guess
A heart full of loneliness 
With an extroverted face

©Arundhuti Biswas #Thinking

Arundhuti Biswas

Sitting on the window lane
Cherishing evening twilight 
Various emotions pervade mind
Eyes gazing  at the sight

Hot coffee in my hand
With thousands  thoughts in mind
A keen desire in heart
To make life rewind

Eyes at a stagnant  glance
Seems to notice a thing
Cause  eyes tirelessly watching 
Without even one blink

I know those eyes are blank
Clueless  about my mind
Different thoughts pervading heart
Aren't thinking  that kind

©Arundhuti Biswas #eveningtea

Arundhuti Biswas

White A sapling asked god,
What helps me to grow.
The soil said it's me,
On me you are sowed .

The air screamed in anger,
No, it's me.
I provide you with life ,
So you grow into a tree.

Water says mockingly
You ,a cold breeze 
I provide him with life
 Don't  you lie please.

Sun says no it's me,
Providing him with sunlight .
So it blooms flowers,
Reach a great  height.

God hear all those words,
Smiled and he Said.
His answer was quite gentle ,
That made all faces fade.

He said all of you 
are his need
That help him grow 
From a seed

But the farmer his mentor
Who hope sapling will grow
With millions desires in heart
The seed farmer sows

So emotion of the peasant
Motivates seed to sprout
He grows into saplings
Never the words he flout

After sowing  every seed
The farmer whispered prayer
So that saplings grow more
Under his gentle care

©Arundhuti Biswas #Thinking