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Arundhuti Biswas


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Arundhuti Biswas

Things inside me
Heavenly seeks
Devil emerges 
Yet None take risk

Living in turmoil
Where loneliness haunts me
But crowd, it's intolerable
Trying to set free

Can love cures?
Fix a broken heart.
Where life losses motion,
Memories torn apart

©Arundhuti Biswas

Arundhuti Biswas

White Black coat hanging on wall
With a majestic look
Royal pattern in its front
With a golden hook

A little boy ,ten years old,
Peeping through the door.
His eyes watching coat,
With a stagnant glore.

how elegant father look
Wearing the black coat
One day he will try it once.
In mind he took oath

Days gone, situation changed.
Excitement went all pall 
Little boy now all grown up
Time says it all

One day father handed him,
The coat he dreamed off.
Touching it, all
memories flashed.
That made him feel scoff.

He smiled in a tender way
Putting  it back in place 
His smile exclaims that
Life changes in rat race

He realised that 
Needed coat for fame
Everything changed
When responsibility came

Royal coat black
not only depicts glory
It  is symbol of hardwork 
In every one's life story

©Arundhuti Biswas #love_shayari

Arundhuti Biswas

White Black coat hanging on wall
With a majestic look
Royal pattern in its front
With a golden hook

A little boy ,ten years old,
Peeping through the door.
His eyes watching coat,
With a stagnant glore.

how elegant father look
Wearing the black coat
One day he will try it once.
In mind he took oath

Days gone, situation changed.
Excitement went all pall 
Little boy now all grown up
Time says it all

One day father handed him,
The coat he dreamed off.
Touching it, all
memories flashed.
That made him feel scoff.

He smiled in a tender way
Putting  it back in place 
His smile exclaims that
Life changes in rat race

He realised that 
Needed coat for fame
Everything changed
When responsibility came

Royal coat black
not only depicts glory
It  is symbol of hardwork 
In every one's life story

©Arundhuti Biswas #Adulthood

Arundhuti Biswas

Girl quotes in Hindi Have you even seen? 
 Her eyes full of tears.
unbearable pain it carries,
through all those year's.

©Arundhuti Biswas  poetry

poetry #Poetry


Arundhuti Biswas

White Every winter's tale
Winter dawn with a slothful sun,
And shivering windy blow.
Nature is all dressed up,
With a festive glow.

©Arundhuti Biswas #Winter

Arundhuti Biswas

White Don't want a new life,
With all that strength and fame.
want my kingdom to be safe,
This thing I proclaim.

Almighty smile and said,
Don't you worry my dear.
From your dead ashes will rise ,
Another king with no fear.

The cycle of death ,
Surely polish off one's life.
New king took the place,
So prosperity can thrive.

©Arundhuti Biswas #lion continuation

#Lion continuation #Poetry


Arundhuti Biswas

White Lion is the only ruler,
jungle world at large .
No need to teach him,
Has its own urge.

Fight like a fearless king,
With his thunderous roar.
His demeanor explains that,
He is a carnivour.

Majestic look in his blood ,
Fearful is his glore.
A blend of beauty and fear,
Is compel to adore.

Time flews away,
Nature , custom it follow.
Strength and power faded.
His soul became hollow .

Its glory became dull,
 That Make him repent. 
He toughen his soul,
On him, the kingdom depends.

Very conscious of the fact,
Soon will stop beating his heart.
Worried about his kingdom,
Soul, unwilling to depart.

©Arundhuti Biswas #Lion

Arundhuti Biswas

White Dark is the night,
With a crescent moon in sky .
Mesmerising scenic beauty of this,
Enough to make one high.

It is seen that,
Love depicted through dawn.
Where sunlight sparkles the grass,
And playful is the fawn.

Night blings in its way,
Tranquiling all viewers mind.
Here joy finds its own way,
And sorrow is hard to find.

Love has its own way
To  get mixed in air
It  judges none
Whether wrong or fair.

©Arundhuti Biswas #love_shayari

Arundhuti Biswas

White প্রেম মানে কি?
চোখের সাথে চোখের মিলনে,
মুখের মিষ্টি হাসি।
নাকি মনের মধ্যে জেগে ওঠা ওই,
চিন্তা রাশি রাশি।

প্রেম মানে কি,
সাগরের সেই গভীরতর জল ।
নাকি ভোরের শেষে,
দিঘি ভর্তি প্রস্ফুটিত শতদল।

প্রেম মানে কি ,
চোখের ইশারায় বোঝানো সব কথা।
নাকি মনের মধ্যে আবেগ ভরা,
রঙিন তরুলতা।

প্রেম মানে কি,
নিজের লেখা অজস্র সব চিঠি।
নাকি মনের মধ্যে জমে থাকা সেই ,
অনুভূতির প্রতিলিপি।

©Arundhuti Biswas #love_shayari

Arundhuti Biswas

Standing with a blank view ,
On the edge of the sea.
Each tide leads mind to stagger,
But add an unwanted glee.

The flames of sea are yet calm,
Forthwith we see a torrential view.
At once it may seem wild,
But brings a nostalgic feeling to you.

You will feel your mind & heart,
Soothes at the same time.
Creating a peaceful ambience,
Singing a song or hymn.

Our life and its journey ,
Are synonymous to the sea.
Certainly we get tangled in it,
Forthwith we want to set free.

©Arundhuti Biswas