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Lohith Akhil

|| Whatever "Life" is ., it's worth discovering... ||

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Lohith Akhil

White I hv a pair of eyes but I can't see u every day, 
I hv a pair a ears but can't hear u every time, 

I hear ur absence whispering to me, to let u go... 
to let u blur in the past.....
But this heart doesn't wanna let u go.., 
it remembers u every second..! 

After all, 
It is too hard to forget someone 
who gave u so much to remember...!

©Lohith Akhil Beyond Sight & Sound... 

Beyond Sight & Sound... #Echoes_of_you....! #Poetry


Lohith Akhil

We're born alone, 
we live alone, 
we die alone. 
Only through our love and friendship 
can we create the illusion for the moment 
that we're not alone....

                             —Orson Welles

©Lohith Akhil The inevitable illusion...

The inevitable illusion... #Quotes


Lohith Akhil

𝕷ove is a dagger....
It's a wea𝕻on to be wielded, 
far away or up close.... 
𝖀 can see 𝖀rself in it.... 
It's Beautiful..... 
Until.., it makes U Bleed. 
But Ultimately, whn u reach for it....

©Lohith Akhil Bleeding pain...!!

Bleeding pain...!! #Quotes


Lohith Akhil

If it stays, then it is love

If it ends, it's a love story 

And if it never begins, 

It's Poetry....

©Lohith Akhil Essence of LOVE...

Essence of LOVE... #Poetry


Lohith Akhil

From tht day to this day &
U r in my  heart no matter 
Cause it ain't somethin' I can get over..!!! 

They say.... 
"LOVE" is hard to find , hard to forget 
I think it's true!! 
Cause the harder I try to forget u....
the more I tend to remember U.....
& in the  end, 
I Love Yu even more.....!!

©Lohith Akhil An Unforgettable person...!!#self_written -3

An Unforgettable person...!!#self_written -3


Lohith Akhil

Born too late to gain your love.... 
Born just in time to meet a person like you in my life....
But, Miserable am I to lose you for the rest of my life.... 
A day without seeing you is really a day wasted.... 
My love for u is more thn just comprehensible, 
It's incomprehensible....! 
Your voice to me is more thn just a sound.... 
It's a melody 🎶....!! 
The way I feel about you is more thn just words can define....
It's undefinable....!!! 
Your smell to me is a tantalizing fragrance I crave for.... 
A fragrance tht always remains in my heart & never fades away....
So does your presence in my mind.... 
So, I say that it's more than just an attraction....
It's TRUE LOVE & AFFECTION.....!!!!!

©Lohith Akhil It's True Love ❣️..... #SelfWritten - 2

It's True Love ❣️..... #SelfWritten - 2


Lohith Akhil

Life is a combination of 
Adjustment & Compromises,
Adjust when someone wants to be with u 
& Compromise when u want to be 
with someone....

©Lohith Akhil
  Art of living....

Art of living.... #Shayari


Lohith Akhil

A thing is beautiful, not because it lasts..
it stays in r heart even if we become apart......

©Lohith Akhil Selfless Admiration....

Selfless Admiration....


Lohith Akhil

May God gift you all the colours of life, colours of joy, colours of happiness, colours of friendship, colours of love and all other colours you want to paint your life in. Wishing everyone a Very Happy and Joyous Holi....!!!

©Lohith Akhil

Lohith Akhil

Saying I love you sounds too simple
 saying you mean the world to me
doesn't say enough..... 
There's no definition that could really describe 
that my love for u is bigger than just 4 letters 
It's far more beautiful than it lookks 
Because of all this and more
You'll never know how much I Love You.....

©Lohith Akhil #you ❤.....

#you ❤..... #Love
