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Lakshmi Menon

Writer is a word I detest, by popular definition. I write, that's all. And dare to offend many who don't think like I do...

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Lakshmi Menon

White If I had survived wars, pestilence and poverty.
Risen from the ashes of trajedy like the proverbial Phoenix,
And had a story to tell.
My own tale
Then just maybe,
You would have not judged me harshly.
To you,I was yet another entitled brat.
The arrogant one, 
Ruthless and remorseless,
I did have a story, just a little different from yours,
Maybe if I were a harlot who had mastered the art of seduction,
Or a witch who cast spells on men,
I would have been the first in your affections.
Little did I know,
That the world did not value dignity and loyalty,
As much they upheld deceit and infamy.

©Lakshmi Menon
  I wasnt the one #sad_shayari

I wasnt the one #sad_shayari #SAD


Lakshmi Menon

I have understood.
No one really cares about you,
Except those who quietly observe,
Understand when you go suddenly quiet.
Wait for a while when all have dispersed, 
And you are left alone in a room.
Who look into your eyes as you speak.
Or turn to look at you, as you look at them.
For that is your kin,
Who needs no words to speak to you.
Arrogant are we to think we deserve them to be in our life or they in ours.
But they are meant to leave,
And we spend the rest of our lives with those who dont understand simple terms.
Those who possess knowledge,  but lack wisdom.
Those who are stupid, but live smartly.

©Lakshmi Menon
  Life isn't a bed of roses #musingsoflife

Life isn't a bed of roses #musingsoflife


Lakshmi Menon

I no longer speak volumes like I used to.
Not because I have nothing to say,
Not because I dont like to speak,
Because I no longer understand the language.
It means nothing. 
Thats when I stumbled upon 'silence'.
Silence, a language I never thought much about.
Even a sigh has different meanings.
I am learning a new language,
The language of silence.

©Lakshmi Menon
  Silence #languageofsilence

Lakshmi Menon

From sharing everything
To sharing nothing,  
We changed.
From family to an old acquaintance,
We changed.
From sharing our favorite songs with each other, 
To never listening to those songs again
We changed.
From everyday texts and calls,
To not a word in all these months,
We changed 
Maybe we are still the same, 
If there was anything that existed between us 
That changed...

©Lakshmi Menon
  We changed #changeisgood #Changedpeople

Lakshmi Menon

It's the era of the pariahs now,
Harlots, libertines, murderers, lechers,
Will all find the Devil's advocates.
People who love them.
The good ones will be vilified for their righteousness.
Feel no guilt about sinning,
Or doing anything wrong.
For right and wrong, sin or virtue  all seem the same to me.
Devil and God, are born to the same mother.
One listened to his mum, the other chose his path of defiance.
Devil, like a troubled teenager,
Thinks the world is against him,
Even his own.
He belongs to all, yet is kin to none...

©Lakshmi Menon
  The era of the pariahs #thinkers

The era of the pariahs #thinkers #Life


Lakshmi Menon

People do leave,
If they find your way of life is different from theirs,
It scares them,
It bores them,
It confuses them,
Its funny,
Because you are also a part of these 'people' who judges anothers life.
To accept another,
Is to accept oneself.
Even scoundrels have rules,
Even the righteous go wrong.

©Lakshmi Menon
  Judge Me #thethirdeye

Lakshmi Menon

Night sms quotes messages in hindi  All is quite now,
The songs stopped playing long ago,
The breif conversations ended,
Pangs of passion have long died down,
Just a pile of ash...
It's spring in your garden,
But harsh winters stripped my only tree, of every single leaf...

©Lakshmi Menon
  The End #endedlovestory

Lakshmi Menon

And then I kept collecting pictures of you from wherever I could find,
I saw you in stories of common friends.
Created pictures of us together,
But archived it.
You were the secret I held.
Nothing sinister,  nothing scandalous,
I did all those silly things to feel nameless joys and sorrows again,
Like a teenage girl, wanting to be a woman all over again...

©Lakshmi Menon
  Becoming a woman all over again #comingofage

Becoming a woman all over again #comingofage #Life


Lakshmi Menon

White I dont think we must obsess over wanting to know people,
Thats for those who wasted their time, never knowing themselves.
For what is left in this short life,
Better we cease to know,
And start to live.
The reality, as how it is
Than what it should be...

©Lakshmi Menon
  As we are, living as I am #real_life #

As we are, living as I am #real_life # #Life


Lakshmi Menon

What drew me towards you,
 Was that you were so real.
Blunt as a knife!
Took me a while to understand, 
You were the myth,
That real deal, 
The home vibe,
All that was the illusion.
Now, what is afterall a myth and what is a fact, the reality...
Who is to say?

©Lakshmi Menon
  The illusion of reality #Real_Talk

The illusion of reality #Real_Talk #Poetry
