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Anannya Choudhury

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Anannya Choudhury

In the tapestry of life, woven so fine,
Exists a force, a cosmic design.
It's the dance of actions, both big and small,
A universal law that touches us all.

Karma, the guide, impartial and just,
What we give out, in return we trust.
With every thought, word, and deed we sow,
The seeds of consequence will surely grow.

Like ripples in water, our actions extend,
Through time and space, they transcend.
For what we do unto others today,
Will shape our destiny in a mysterious way.

Kindness and compassion, seeds of grace,
Bring smiles to faces, love we embrace.
The universe responds with abundant light,
Brightening our path, making everything right.

But beware, dear soul, of the shadows cast,
For negativity too will surely last.
Harmful intentions, words that deceive,
They boomerang back, making us grieve.

In the grand tapestry, we're but a thread,
Connected to all, our actions widespread.
Let's choose with care, each step that we take,
Knowing karma's power is never opaque.

For in the intricate web of cause and effect,
Our choices determine what we collect.
So let's sow seeds of goodness, love, and peace,
And watch karma's blessings endlessly increase.

In the tapestry of life, karma weaves,
A reminder that what we do achieves,
The power to shape our destiny's course,
With kindness, compassion, and a loving force.

©Anannya Choudhury #PersonalGrowth #UnlockYourPotential #SelfImprovement #SelfDiscovery #Motivation #Mindfulness #PositiveMindset #SelfReflection #poetrymonth

Anannya Choudhury

Two things that sound like "mother" in their essence,
The gentle whisper of wind, a comforting presence.
It caresses the leaves with a mother's touch,
Guiding them softly, a love that means much.

The soothing rhythm of waves, a lullaby's song,
Crashing and receding, it carries us along.
It sings of protection, like a mother's embrace,
Guiding us through life's tumultuous chase.

Both wind and waves, they echo her care,
A nurturing presence, always there.
In their gentle might, they embody her grace,
Filling our hearts with warmth, a safe space.

So when you hear the wind's soft sigh,
Or listen to waves as they dance and reply,
Know that mother's love is all around,
In the whispers of nature's gentle sound.

©Anannya Choudhury
  #WhispersOfNature #GentlePresence #MotherlyLove #ComfortingBreeze #poetrymonth

Anannya Choudhury

Memories age like cherished wine,
Maturing with time, their flavors intertwine,
They mellow and deepen, rich and profound,
Etching their presence, leaving imprints profound.

Like weathered books on a dusty shelf,
Memories gather wisdom, preserving oneself,
Each chapter a story, both joyous and tough,
Whispering secrets, reminding us of enough.

They age like fine art, evolving in hue,
Canvas of moments, both old and anew,
Fading edges, softening lines,
Yet their essence endures, as love intertwines.

Memories age like a vintage melody,
Echoing softly, a nostalgic symphony,
The notes may waver, but their resonance strong,
In melodies of laughter, and laments of song.

They age like the stars, sparkling above,
Shimmering remnants of the ones we love,
Though time may pass, their light remains,
Guiding us forward, soothing life's pains.

So let memories age, gracefully worn,
Treasures we carry, the moments adorned,
For in their aging beauty, we come to find,
The tapestry of life, woven through time.

©Anannya Choudhury
  #Memories #AgingBeauty #Nostalgia #TimelessMoments #Reminiscence #WisdomOfYears #TreasuredStories #EvolvingEmotions #LifeTapestry #poetrymonth

Anannya Choudhury

Forgiveness, a balm for wounded souls,
A release from the chains that tightly hold,
It holds the power to heal and mend,
And brings a sense of peace to the end.

In forgiveness, we find strength to let go,
To release resentment that no longer serves us so,
It's a choice to move forward and break free,
To find liberation and set our hearts at ease.

Forgiveness does not excuse or condone,
But empowers us to rise above and atone,
It opens the door to growth and repair,
And paves the way for love and compassion to share.

Through forgiveness, we heal our own hearts,
As bitterness and anger slowly depart,
It's a gift we give ourselves, a path to inner peace,
And a chance for pain and suffering to cease.

Let forgiveness be the bridge we build,
To mend broken bonds and hearts unfulfilled,
To foster understanding and empathy's embrace,
And create a world where love finds its rightful place.

©Anannya Choudhury
  #Forgiveness #Healing #LettingGo #InnerPeace #Empathy #Growth #Renewal #Love #Reconciliation #poetrymonth

Anannya Choudhury

The best thing about being tired is the solace it brings,
A chance to rest and renew the weary strings,
To lay down our burdens and let go of stress,
To find comfort in slumber and moments of blessedness.

Being tired reminds us of our human pace,
That we've given our all, in life's vibrant chase,
It whispers gently, urging us to slow down,
To savor the stillness, where tranquility is found.

In weariness, we find appreciation anew,
For the energy that surges when we're rested and true,
It teaches us the value of self-care and rest,
To prioritize balance and what truly is best.

Being tired invites us to reflect and unwind,
To appreciate silence, and the peace we find,
To embrace the calmness, like a gentle embrace,
And emerge recharged, with a radiant grace.

So, embrace weariness as a gift, you see,
A reminder to nurture your spirit and be free,
For from the depths of tiredness, we rise,
With a renewed sense of purpose, towards the skies.

©Anannya Choudhury #EmbraceRest #Renewal #SelfCare #FindingBalance  #Wellbeing#EmbracingStillness #InnerPeace #poetrymonth #NurtureYourself #EnergyRestoration

Anannya Choudhury

In your mother's womb, you grew and thrived,
A precious little girl, so loved and alive,
Your parents' hearts filled with joy and dreams,
Of the life you'd live, and the person you'd become it seems.

But fate had other plans, and on the day you were born,
You were fragile and delicate, and your body was worn,
The doctors and nurses tried their best,
But you were called to heaven, to eternal rest.

Your parents' hearts shattered, their dreams torn apart,
As they held you in their arms, with broken hearts,
Their little girl, so beautiful and pure,
Taken away too soon, forevermore.

But though your time on earth was brief,
You left a mark on those who knew you, beyond belief,
Your memory will live on, in their hearts and souls,
As they treasure the moments they had, and let go.

Rest in peace, little one, in the arms of love,
And know that you'll forever be a treasure, up above,
Your parents will love you, always and forever,
And keep you close, in their hearts and minds, ever after.

©Anannya Choudhury
  ##InLovingMemory #BabyGirl #ForeverInOurHearts #AngelsAmongUs #GoneTooSoon #RestInPeace #HeavenlyAngels #EternalLove #FamilyForever #PoetryForGrief

Anannya Choudhury

In your mother's womb, you grew and thrived,
A precious little girl, so loved and alive,
Your parents' hearts filled with joy and dreams,
Of the life you'd live, and the person you'd become it seems.

But fate had other plans, and on the day you were born,
You were fragile and delicate, and your body was worn,
The doctors and nurses tried their best,
But you were called to heaven, to eternal rest.

Your parents' hearts shattered, their dreams torn apart,
As they held you in their arms, with broken hearts,
Their little girl, so beautiful and pure,
Taken away too soon, forevermore.

But though your time on earth was brief,
You left a mark on those who knew you, beyond belief,
Your memory will live on, in their hearts and souls,
As they treasure the moments they had, and let go.

Rest in peace, little one, in the arms of love,
And know that you'll forever be a treasure, up above,
Your parents will love you, always and forever,
And keep you close, in their hearts and minds, ever after.

©Anannya Choudhury ##InLovingMemory #BabyGirl #ForeverInOurHearts #AngelsAmongUs #GoneTooSoon #RestInPeace #HeavenlyAngels #EternalLove #FamilyForever #PoetryForGrief

Anannya Choudhury

We gain freedom when we let go,
Of the things that weigh us down below,
The fears, the doubts, the pain we feel,
The past that haunts us and won't heal.

We gain freedom when we forgive,
The ones who hurt us and made us live,
In a world of anger, hate, and strife,
And let go of the burden we've carried through life.

We gain freedom when we choose,
To live our lives with joy and refuse,
To let the negativity and darkness in,
And instead, embrace the light within.

We gain freedom when we love,
With open hearts, like the stars above,
And accept ourselves for who we are,
And let our souls shine like a bright star.

We gain freedom when we live,
With courage, passion, and a sense to give,
And embrace the beauty of this life,
And let our spirits soar, like a bird in flight.

©Anannya Choudhury
   #RabindraJayanti #freedom #lettinggo #forgiveness #love #courage #passion #selfacceptance  #poetrymonth

Anannya Choudhury

I have an interesting relationship with the written word,
It is my confidant, my solace, my sword,
It's the way I express my deepest thoughts,
And the way I make sense of what I've been taught.

I have an interesting relationship with the pen,
It's my loyal friend, my constant companion,
It's the way I paint pictures with words,
And the way I let my imagination unfurl.

I have an interesting relationship with the page,
It's where I pour out my heart and my rage,
It's the way I capture memories and dreams,
And the way I explore new worlds and themes.

I have an interesting relationship with the written word,
It's a part of me, and always will be, I've heard,
It's the way I connect with others and myself,
And the way I express my truest self.

©Anannya Choudhury #writtenword #penandpaper #expression #imagination #memories  #connection #selfexpression #creativity #poetry #poetrymonth

Anannya Choudhury

Finding calm amidst the doubt,
Letting go of all that brings us strife,
And living a mindful, peaceful life.

It's about silencing the noise within,
Quieting the mind and breathing in,
Finding balance and harmony within ourselves,
And discovering the happiness that it delves.

It's about being present in the moment,
And finding joy in the little things that are potent,
Taking time to appreciate the beauty around,
And letting go of worries that confound.

It's about forgiving ourselves and others,
And letting go of grudges that smother,
Understanding that life's too short to be mad,
And making peace with the good and the bad.

Inner peace is about acceptance and love,
And finding solace in the heavens above,
It's about being true to ourselves and others,
And finding contentment in all that life offers.

©Anannya Choudhury