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Arhan Ahmed

Struggling Writer

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Arhan Ahmed

EID is about
E - Everything that gives you
I - Individual satisfaction by 
D - Doing good deeds.


Note: This EID, lets make a pledge to start doing a good deed everyday and increase it (good deed) with each passing day for the betterment of mankind.

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Eid #eid_mubarak #Eid😘 #eidi #islam #islamic #Muslim #Muslims

Arhan Ahmed

W - When people stop
H -Having feelings 
A - And decide 
T - To target others by 
A - Asking them about a
B - Bitter past which is better left in its
O - Own place and
U - Used by some for
T - Targetting certain sections of our
E - Evolving democracy and
R -  Ruining them so that their net
Y - Yield is zero

©Arhan Ahmed
  #what #WhatIf #Whataboutry #Society #Societysucks #deadsoul #people #Humamity

Arhan Ahmed

A small tribute to the great ENTERTAINER who spreads love and laughter. Thanks for making our LIFE a little bit less tough with your witty lines.
K - Knock out the people who spread and does
U - Unlawful activities and 
N - Negative thoughts in society,
A - And helps in spreading
L - Love and Laughter

©Arhan Ahmed
  #kunalkamra #laugh #Smile #laughter #InspireThroughWriting #inspire #Love #Help

Arhan Ahmed

S - Sweet & Sour person who
I - Is highly immature in every
S - Situation and shows ANGER
T - Towards her
E - Eternal
R - Rockstar (Brother) 

A tribute to the SISTERS...

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Family #familylove #familyiseverything #sister #sis #siblinglove #sisterbrotherlove #brothersisterlove

Arhan Ahmed

A tribute to the WOMEN, without whom OUR lives and family are as barren as a desert.
W - Who always
O - Organises (best plans for the family) and
M - Makes
E - Everything perfect for her
N - Near and Dear ones
Happy Women's Day

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Women #womenempowerment #womansDay #womanpower #womanhood #women_empowerment #lady #Women_Special

Arhan Ahmed

H - Humans who are in the
U - Unorganized sector (it applies to organized sector to a certain extent) and are in real
N - Need of help but don't
G - Get
E - Enough
R - Rations (FOOD)... 

We are blessed as we have got enough FOOD on our plate. Please be thankful to GOD... Please stop wasting FOOD...

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Food #foodforthought #hunger #hungerindex #hungerindevelopedcountries #India #foods #waste

Arhan Ahmed

To be successful we all need to get a control of our EMOTIONS... 
E - Evaluate your
M - Mindset and
O - Overcome
T - The
I - Inner
O - Opressed
N - Notions and
S - Succeed

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Motivational #motivation #Emotional #Emotion #EmotionalEnglishQuoteStatic #positive #Inspiration #inspirational

Motivational motivation Emotional Emotion EmotionalEnglishQuoteStatic positive Inspiration inspirational


Arhan Ahmed

The best way to beat fear is by seeing the end of FEAR...

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Motivation #motivate #Motivational #Inspiration #inspirational #inspirationalquotes #positive #Fear

Motivation motivate Motivational Inspiration inspirational inspirationalquotes positive Fear


Arhan Ahmed

Why does GOD have the most toxic followers who spread RIOTS, HATRED and KILL each other in the name of him?

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Religion #Religious #islam #Hindu #Christian #God

Arhan Ahmed

A sweet note for my bhaagni (I am her Maternal Uncle, Mamu) who is suffering from a rare type of CANCER. May GOD bless her and give her a long life. Please pray for her. Her name is ASHIYA, she is 13 years old.
A person who
A - Always
S - Smiles and
H -Hopes for the betterment of every
I - Individual and
Y - Yearns for
A - Absolute peace in the most precious creation of the GOD (The WORLD)

©Arhan Ahmed
  #Life #Life_experience #Life_A_Blank_Page #Life_Experiences #Life❤ #Life_changing #life® #life_goals