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Ritu Dhangar

I write when I feel and fromsoul👻😍 Instagram user- @ritudhangar_2025

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Ritu Dhangar

White Now don't ask me how I stay happy despite
 so much sorrow. I have lost so much in this journey
 that perhaps I cannot even express it. 
Every person whom I trusted blindly has broken me.
 Some people have turned their backs on me 
after coming very close to me,
 but still there is hope in my heart for something good to happen. Mahadev is with me because
 I know that I have neither cheated anyone nor tried to play with anyone's feelings. 
I have maintained every relationship with honesty and without any motive and without any selfishness. 
I have never done bad to 
those who did bad to me nor do I ever think about it. 
That is why perhaps I smile so much

©Ritu Dhangar #Shiva #status #Nojoto

Ritu Dhangar

White If something happens to me, 
only those people should come to me and 
shed tears for me who have 
accepted me wholeheartedly. 
Because I do not need anyone's false tears or 
anyone's false pretense at the time of my departure.

©Ritu Dhangar
  #love_shayari #Nojoto #Feel_the_words

Ritu Dhangar

White If you keep seeing what you have and what you don't, how will you enjoy life? Learn to be happy with what you have and appreciate those who are with you. Those who are connected to you even with such indifference. Whether it is your home or in-laws' house or any very important person, find happy moments with them. Learn to live together and share love. Don't think about what we have and what we don't. Keep in mind that what you have is very precious, be it time, family or any person. Just learn to love and appreciate because you don't know for how long all this will last, if you keep seeing the flaws and shortcomings, then how will you be able to enjoy life, think a little. Pay attention to this as well.

©Ritu Dhangar

Ritu Dhangar


Ritu Dhangar


Ritu Dhangar

तुम्हारे सिवा अब कोई इस दिल 
को भाता नहीं 
आ जाए अब कोई भी 
ये दिल बस तुम्हारे लिए धड़कता हैं 
और ये आंखे बस तुम्हें ही खोजती 
हर जगह


©Ritu Dhangar

Ritu Dhangar


Ritu Dhangar

White जरा याद करो 

हम आराम से जी सके 
इसके लिए हमारी रक्षा के लिए 
हर सीमा पर तैनात रहती हैं 
अपनी जान दाव पर लगा कर।

हम भारतीय हैं इसका हमें गर्व हैं 

हमारी Army हम देश वासियों की
धड़कन हैं।
हमारे जीवन को सुरक्षित रखने का काम करती हैं 


©Ritu Dhangar
  #kargil_vijay_diwas #reel

Ritu Dhangar

White A person who learns to be patient, 
if he maintains a distance from
 something dear to him or 
someone dear to him,
 then that person becomes happy
 just by seeing him from a distance.

©Ritu Dhangar

Ritu Dhangar
