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Nellius Wanja

Fight each round and take it on the chin. And never never never ever give in. I am a survivor and not a victim 💪❤

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Nellius Wanja

Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant.

©Nellius Wanja Vision.

Vision. #Life


Nellius Wanja

Words of encouragement.

Words of encouragement. #Motivational


Nellius Wanja

Almost all of the heartwarming restorations and blessings of the greatest people in the Bible like Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Job, Nebuchadnezzar, Sarah, Ruth, and Esther, chronologically took place after they went through hard, tough, dark, and challenging moments in their lives. 
When it rains, it pours.
And it really did pour heavily on these amazingly wonderful people.
They all went through a season of transformation at night and there is a reason as to why we read and hear about them to date. Their stories encourage us to persevere in hardships because we know that we will receive intangible rewards.

God is the author.
He has great plans for us.
He has great thoughts for us.
He has called, chosen, and appointed us.
He knows the end from the beginning.
He does not send us calamities.
He uses the calamities to our advantage.
Whatever the devil meant for evil, He will turn it and use it for our good.

'' Surely, the Lord was in this place'' is all we will say after understanding and getting clarity as to why we had to go through the muddy seasons in our lives.

©Nellius Wanja

Inspired. #Life


Nellius Wanja

Greatest transformations happen during the night seasons and moments of our lives.
Just like a caterpillar's development takes place in its cocoon, so does our development and improvement take place during the most darkest times of our lives.

©Nellius Wanja
  Development and improvement.

Development and improvement. #Life


Nellius Wanja

The fact that you are willing to read, heal, and free yourself from childhood trauma speaks volumes about you.
Since the very first step to healing is acceptance, you ought to accept and acknowledge the pain, then find solutions to break those negative cycles and repetitions in your life.
No one is born with anxiety, fear, low self esteem, lack of confidence, insecurities, worries, and panic attacks.
They are all triggered or brought about by someone and different experiences that we have in life, in one way or another, seem to awaken them, and we run back to our cages that seem familiar.

It's not your everyday cup of coffee that your caregivers will come and apologize for the hurt and pain they caused you in your childhood. Maybe in one way or another, they were not aware of the pain they were causing you on the inside. 
But now you have the resources and your eyes are open, you know exactly what causes you to behave the way you do, it might be either father or mother wounds.
It's pretty much easier to cuss and have feelings of resentment, bitterness, and anger towards the specific caregivers, and that's still okay cause for one, we are allowed to feel and process our emotions, not to suppress or run away from them. Suppressing them and acting like nothing happened, will only bring about dire consequences and you will react in the opposite of what you really want.
Healing is possible and we all capable of living a life free of childhood trauma and being at peace with ourselves.

Well, it's gonna be an uncomfortable and emotional journey cause you are opening up your inner wounds, but all it requires is for you to be true and honest with yourself, learn and unlearn, be patient, persistent, consistent, and put God first in everything that you do by having an open and honest conversation with Him about the pain, how it did hurt you, how you are struggling to forgive those who are responsible for the pain, how you want to be free and break those chains, and how you want to be a different and new person. And God will surely answer your prayers and transformation will be your portion and you will experience God's peace that surpasses human understanding.
Commit yourself in this process and you will surely bear good fruits.

©Nellius Wanja
  Childhood trauma.

Childhood trauma. #healing #Life


Nellius Wanja

I hope the next time you go through a tough adversity, you will not complain, criticize, or mock God. 
Rather, you will change your mindset and praise God despite the challenges you are facing.
God is our ever present hope in times of struggle and He does not leave us despite what we are facing.
We should constantly seek God's face and cast all our anxieties, fears, worries, insecurities, and troubles on Him. He will give us rest.
All the more, God's grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Therefore, let us draw near God's throne and tell Him of our shortcomings and the areas we struggle with. For when we are weak, then we are strong.

©Nellius Wanja It gets better.

It gets better.


Nellius Wanja

God is the potter, and we are clay, the pure work of His hands.
As the potter molds the clay, that is how God works.
He is constantly molding us, removing defects, and making us become predestined people.

©Nellius Wanja
  The work of the potter.

The work of the potter. #Life


Nellius Wanja

At times you just have to be your own hero and cheerleader.
At times you have to root for yourself.
Pat yourself on the back and encourage yourself.

©Nellius Wanja
  At times you got to do this other than waiting around for someone.

At times you got to do this other than waiting around for someone. #Life


Nellius Wanja

I figured out the first step to becoming your true authentic step is to remove the mask covering multiple layers and peels of onions on the surface, and letting yourself discover what an amazing kind of masterpiece you are.

That's where I'm at at the moment.

Just do you.
Be you.
Do what you like.
Do what you love.
Do what sets your heart on fire. 
Do what you are passionate about.
Do what you do best.

Feel the fear, welcome the fear, and face the fear. After all, everything we ever need is on the other side of fear. 

If we wait for the conditions to be perfect, chances are, they'll never be.
Start where you are with what you have.
Have the courage to follow the road less traveled and reach for the stars.
After all, no one can put out your flame.

©Nellius Wanja

Nellius Wanja

In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity.
Difficulties come to serve an intended purpose
The purpose lies deep within if we look at things differently and at a positive level
We are not allowed to be the same people we were before and after difficulties
We are allowed to grow and become the best version of ourselves.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. 
 Though outwardly we wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 
 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"

©Ney BayBay