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Nellius Wanja

Fight each round and take it on the chin. And never never never ever give in. I am a survivor and not a victim 💪❤

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Nellius Wanja

White It usually rains the hardest at night.
No one talks about the thoughts that creep in at night.
The emotions that overwhelm the better part of the night.
Nor the tears that soak your pillow. 
You might be thinking that you doing alright, up until you lay in your bed at night, and the voices in your head start to play mind games on you.

The gaslighting.
The manipulation.
The accusations.
The what ifs.
The overthinking.
The sadness.
The anguish.
The negativity.
The regrets.
The shame.
The guilt.
The past.
The choices made.
The choices not made.

Every night is a battle between you and your mind.
Trying to silence these voices.
Trying to understand that the mind governs the body.
The mind is the master, whilst the body is the servant.
Trying to put this ''narrative" into action
It's easier said than done 
No one will ever find out about the battles that you fight every night.
What it takes to be you.

©Nellius Wanja

Nellius Wanja

Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant.

©Nellius Wanja Vision.

Vision. #Life


Nellius Wanja

God is the potter, and we are clay, the pure work of His hands.
As the potter molds the clay, that is how God works.
He is constantly molding us, removing defects, and making us become predestined people.

©Nellius Wanja
  The work of the potter.

The work of the potter. #Life


Nellius Wanja

At times you just have to be your own hero and cheerleader.
At times you have to root for yourself.
Pat yourself on the back and encourage yourself.

©Nellius Wanja
  At times you got to do this other than waiting around for someone.

At times you got to do this other than waiting around for someone. #Life


Nellius Wanja

I figured out the first step to becoming your true authentic step is to remove the mask covering multiple layers and peels of onions on the surface, and letting yourself discover what an amazing kind of masterpiece you are.

That's where I'm at at the moment.

Just do you.
Be you.
Do what you like.
Do what you love.
Do what sets your heart on fire. 
Do what you are passionate about.
Do what you do best.

Feel the fear, welcome the fear, and face the fear. After all, everything we ever need is on the other side of fear. 

If we wait for the conditions to be perfect, chances are, they'll never be.
Start where you are with what you have.
Have the courage to follow the road less traveled and reach for the stars.
After all, no one can put out your flame.

©Nellius Wanja

Nellius Wanja

In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity.
Difficulties come to serve an intended purpose
The purpose lies deep within if we look at things differently and at a positive level
We are not allowed to be the same people we were before and after difficulties
We are allowed to grow and become the best version of ourselves.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. 
 Though outwardly we wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 
 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"

©Ney BayBay

Nellius Wanja

Nothing hurts like missing on an opportunity to talk to someone cause of fear 
And what hurts the most is getting to know that you'll never talk to them cause they are not on earth anymore
And it's like they went with all the information and there's nothing you can do
This one hurts and cuts deeper than a knife.

©Ney BayBay

Nellius Wanja

I pray we all heal from child inflicted wounds
I pray we all heal our inner child 
I pray we all heal from the daddy issues, fear, anxiety, insecurity, constant need for assurance, reassurance, validation, 
I pray we heal from seeking the love we desire and deserve 
I pray we love ourselves so much so that we do not accept anything short of that
I pray we stand up for ourselves and let our opinions count 
I pray that we forgive ourselves for the mistakes we made for being naive and vulnerable 
We cannot change the past,
But we can change the present and the future
And the present is now.

I pray we forgive our parents for the little yet biggest mistakes they did
I pray we forgive our parents for not being there emotionally and mentally 
I pray we forgive our parents for the damage they have caused us over the years, 
The damage that seems permanent and irreparable 
All it takes is patience and we will be able to cross through the hurdles of these wounds
May this be an eye opener
That the past has no control over us
We will become amazing people
We are a mess, a beautiful mess
Everyday we making progress
Everyday it's us against us
It's only you can who save you
Aiming high to reach our full capabilities.

©Ney BayBay

Nellius Wanja

Isn't it weird that my Zodiac Sign is Cancer....? 🤔

©Ney BayBay

Nellius Wanja

A little bit patience.
Just a little bit.

©Ney BayBay
A little bit patience 🙂😗

#patience A little bit patience 🙂😗 #Life
