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Whenever I see a man being shy of a woman,
My mind fails to accept the reasons behind,
Instantly flooded with thoughts of trauma and chaos,
A broken home or a shattered childhood at a loss. 

Whenever I see a woman bold, beautiful and confident,
I seem to loose my pace and think she wants attention,
May be not getting enough love and care at home, 
A string of lovers and heart breaks made her care, no more. 

Social norms and teachings have made it seem so unreal,
Men can be both chivalrous and shy, that too without a twisted cause beind,
The same way how a woman can be bold and up standing, 
Without wanting everyone to notice and thinking of her as an easy target.

We all have different natures with various designs and form,
Some easier to handle and understand than others,
We need to apprecaite the goods and qualities irrespective of the gender,
No matter what they say, it's just the characteristics that matter. 

She ain't getting in no one's bed just because she laughed at one's jokes,
He ain't a psychopath just because he stays at a distance,
Everyone has a way to find their peace,
None can dictate how they should act, but their ease. 

A change of vision and non judgmental perception is all it takes,
It must be made a trend, to let the toxic ones go for once and all, 
Else we might turn into ashes in a world where no one expresses one's true self,
We will all be just hollow puppets calculating profits and gain.

  stereotypes need to change.

stereotypes need to change. #Thoughts



साथ रहकर पता पड़ा  so waited eagerly for a year and a half
thinking what if my story changes.

©Sheen #AdhureVakya


So addictive ! the company,
Quite devastating? being empty.
You already know the drill my caged bird,
Panic attacks , ovethinking and feeling absurd.

So alluring ! all the attention,
quite magnificent? being an attraction.
Staying alone makes you want to self harm.
Zero self esteem , needing validation was never a charm..

 So blunt ! her expressions
Quite bold ? her confessions. 
Wishing things to go smooth as she age.
I wonder how will it feel outside that self made cage. 

So ironic ! her progress
Quite questionable ? her faithfulness
 Let's suppose she lose it all
Will see how her desitny unfolds the conundrums after all.

©Sheen okay.




Have you ever seen the darkness in her eyes?
Even her smile sometimes surrenders to it .
It seems as if she has been to unseen places ,
containing horror and chaos ,
Her words sometimes don't get along with her feelings 
she can't portray her emotions well 
Her eyes remind me of mystery and misfortune 
It feels as if she is hiding untold stories .
she seems like a girl , who is tired of investing in love 
yet willing to sacrifice every last ounce of herself for it
Her attachments keep on taking her for granted
making her feel unwanted
yet she somehow manages to get a few words of applause. 
She seems discontent and broken ,
as if everything is her fault and it wasn't meant to be
and acts as if she knows it all to well .

I want to remind her that its not her fault , 
if she didn't get the love she deserved 
or if she wasn't loved at all
she still has a long road to go 
and there are million ways she can have what she wants
she just has to let go of all the past ,
all the scars and all the alas !
she will have what she wants 
she just has to push a little bit harder and act a little bit
and then She will find her valley of plenty 
she will no longer look like a broken empty girl 
she will no longer have those dark deep eyes
instead they will shine brightly to the core.

©Sheen Her eyes.

Her eyes.



Heart broken and deranged 
shattered soul and defamed 
cages of expectations and demands 
autumns of disappointments and disdain 
little actions but more words 
many cute but wingless birds.

ugly hearts , pretty smiles
shallow beings , calculated files
give and take , pay and get 
nothing precious but all is pret
please and keep
disagree and see the leap.

no expectations , happiness and ease
forgive and let go , serenity and peace 
denial and rigidity , loneliness and pain
acceptance and understanding, love and fame
never a harsh word mean and cheap
because as you sow so shall you reap.

©Sheen life lesson

life lesson #Drops



Till the last December 
I was different ,
I was sad , sometimes happy,
I could feel the energy around me
Little emotions could astound me
Dying flowers captured my sight 
Growing night was a delight
I could feel the warmth in the room
I knew , arrogance was bound to doom
Now , 
It feels different
It's empty not calm
Its cactus not  palm
It's chaos with no design
Its malignant not benign 
It's destiny  not choice
Its dark with no poise
Its ugly with bitter noise,
Its not a blessing in disguise.
  Let's wait for another year ,
  I hope time makes it all clear !

©Sheen #lost


Her heart is sinking , drowning with the flow ,
Tired and empty , alone and slow !

Desires , passions , future and dreams
All is not as real as it seems !
Broken pieces , shattered soul
Even your love can't make her whole .

Barren eyes,broken voice ; tears of gold
Half held promises, all bold and cold .
Her virgin self was pure but insecure
She mistook the poison as her only cure.

Racing  pulse , new distractions 
Misguided road with no directions
Characters were new , story was old
She was her own agony , truth be told.

HE wrote it anew in golden ink ,
Still she couldn't help but overthink 
She made it all fall apart once again 
May be one day , she won't feel the pain. 

May she attain,  someday somehow
Peace , serenity and stability 
even if it's not hers now !

©Sheen #allalone


idk why they are so selfish.



there were sorrows she was drowned in
there was happiness she never found
there were metaphors that never made sense
there were tears that knew no boundaries.
She was not easy to go ,
but she made exceptions, going with the flow .
she was tortured in a place called home
she knew that one day her heart will stop.
she was trying to be a singing swan
Riding her horse in the forest , 
always trying but never making it to the top.

all she wanted, a small hut in the mountains covered in snow 
and her love whom she wanted to know

she was buried with all her desires 
she was a pretty mermaid who knew lies.



i would know if you ever cheat on me
i will forgive you but I will flee 
be mine until eternity
or else we will part our ways .
