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shivani singh


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shivani singh

Unspoken Longing"

Touch me with your eyes
In places, hands could never reach
How strange to dream of you
Even when I am wide awake

In the silence of our glances
A world unfolds, untold
An intimacy that transcends
The limits of the physical hold

Your gaze lingers on my skin
In ways, words could never say
How strange to feel your presence
In the absence of your stay

In the unspoken longing
I find a language of its own
A connection beyond touching
In the depths where dreams are sewn

Eyes that hold a universe
Secrets whispered, unconfined
A meeting of souls in silent verse
A love that touches the mind

In the touch of your eyes
I find a home, a sacred place
Where strange dreams come alive
In the warmth of your gaze.

©shivani singh

13 Love


shivani singh

Billions of hearts, yet mine seeks only you
The peace I've found nowhere else but in you
My restless desires mourn for your embrace
You weren't my first wish, but my last, I embrace.
I want to hold your hand,
 feel your love's warm embrace
In you, my love, I find solace,
You are the melody to my dissonant desires
In your presence, my restless soul gently retires

©shivani singh

16 Love


shivani singh

sometimes I think about why I CRY.
for the love that was once mine,
now dancing with someone who he calls his RED WINE.
leaving my heart to wilt,  giving me a feeling so blue,
yeah, my love found someone very new.
the tears I shed wiped away,  all my shine,
for it was a love I couldn't redefine.
looking in silence,
staring at myself right in the mirror
not able to recognize, 
the girl who is shedding tears.
sometimes I think about why I cry
for the who I wanted to love me, is happy loving someone new,
that's why I cry

©shivani singh



shivani singh


What was the need to play 
Is she a DOLL of clay?
All those words you say 
Are nothing  but a weapon to slay
I thought you would never  get away 
But all you wanted was to lay and turn away.
That version of you was the reflection of what I have always asked and pray 
But I'm scared of the one which you just portray
I want everything to replay 
With a hope that  you will turn to me someday
I thought it was a  foreplay
I had no idea you were up to betray.
I never wanted to feel this way,
unfortunately, now you are nothing more than a DISMAY.
I wish if I had let you go your way, ( that day )
Instead of pushing you to love me my way. 
Why did you choose her to play
She isn't a doll of clay.

©shivani singh #PenPaper

shivani singh

you know why I fail to detect  RED flags because  I don't give any.

©shivani singh #Light

12 Love


shivani singh

The heart has no DARKNESS
for it shines so bright,
a beacon of hope, 
a ray of light.
It's where my dreams and joy reside,
A refuge from the world outside.
In every corner, a gentle glow,
a radiance that never fades or slows.
It beats with love and grace,
a constant rhythm,
a gentle pace.
in the matter of hearts,
if you ever feel fear,
dig deep into the depths of your heart,
you will find only love and hope, so clear,
because in matters of heart, there is no place for fear.

©shivani singh #Tulips

shivani singh

Every step I take,
Makes a haunting echo of mistakes I made.

©shivani singh #Dark

10 Love


shivani singh

Nature Quotes I hear your echoes in the night,
Your presence  doesn't go away from my sight,
Memories shimmer like the stars  in the dark sky, 
But it no more asks for any WHY.
your silence drowns out my heart's pleas,
 I long for the warmth of your words, but they remain unsaid, unseen.
Yet in the aches, there's  a song  to sing,
For from this hurt, I'll be ascending. 
For the very thought that made me think you are the relief, 
I wonder how you turned into a GRIEF?
I wish  I could ever tell how much it BLEEDS...
I wish i could...

©shivani singh

shivani singh

"My dreams are scarier than my reality." 
What an irony.
 I still wanna keep my eyes closed, 
Do you know why?
 perhaps that's the only way we can be together.
I tried so hard to have you every time the sun rose,
maybe it was only meant to happen when it set.
I dream of you for so long,
I feel you are the one to whom I belong.
but  i still LONG....

©shivani singh

Dreams #Love



shivani singh

"DID you survive too many storms to be bothered by raindrops?"

©shivani singh

