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Anugrah Varghese

just writting.....

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Anugrah Varghese

This night was just moving for me 
Streetlight reflects...
Trees play with fear... 
Branches just eating my windows,
one o'clock darkness met me. 
Road was silent like every night,
Someone knocked on my door
Wind heard the Question 
"Aren't you sleeping tonight?"

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

Whenever he expressed, 
he hugged her first. 
They ambled in snow, 
and babbled under the blue. 
They drank with the moon,
when the street dogs woofed. 
They met euphoria, when the
city turned yellow....

©Anugrah Varghese
  #friendforever #friend❤ #bestfriend

Anugrah Varghese

Days moved 
Next month welcomed
night was about to die..
searching for a peaceful sleep
good memories played on
Now the present is on a losted vibe
Air smelled of lavender
Balcony was cold..
Blue was empty, lost it stars.
second chair was warm
When yesterday's wine loved his soul
He touched the sky again....

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

ഒരു കാലമെപ്പഴോ  
ഞാനുണർന്ന ജീവനായി
ഞാനറിഞ സ്നേഹവും 
മുത്തങ്ങളാൽ കൺചിമ്മി
കുഞ്ഞു സൂര്യനും

വളരുന്ന വേളയിൽ
കുഞ്ഞു നഗ്നപാദങ്ങളാൽ
പതിയെ തലോടിയവനാ

വിദ്യ തൻ തോളിൽ
കയറുന്ന നാളുകൾ
ജനനി എൻ കരങ്ങളിൽ

പറയാതെ വന്നൊരാൾ
ചേർന്നിരുന്ന നാളുകൾ
ബാല്യത്തെ തിരികെ

ബാക്കിയായ് കുഞ്ഞുസ്വപ്നങ്ങളും
ചുംബിച്ച കുഞ്ഞുകൈകളും
വെള്ളയെ മാറോടു ചേർന്നവൻ

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

"I just feel to vanish through the poetry, i inked and live with my dreams,i dreamed."

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

Inner peace is asking me to sink like titanic
But i Slept in the middle of the sea.
When those redflares touch the sky
Reminds me, whats next?
Iam falling to the seabed,
But those dolphins took me to the shore.

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

Their youth flew away..
Their return,showed wrinkles..
Butterflies are still around..
Her wine shows ages..
One sip rewind my life..

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

When my sleep disturb me,  
small colours start to glow far away,

The slow breeze experience me.

Her clock follow the symphony of nature.

I start to stepdown the stairs,
I was around her aura

On a wave of light,
she melt on my palm

I woke up from my dream of a dream

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

Sometimes the most beautiful friendships are raised on pain. Because they know the last day of their friendship from the beginning of it, and it's not like the normal one.

©Anugrah Varghese

Anugrah Varghese

Through the snow i saw
Pines fall apart
Your blue eyes sparked
Wind teared the tears 
I walk on the glass
You slipped,
Then you become my cindrella
Lights are mirroring on the ground
An aura created a world around us
Fantasy took over the reality
Hearing the horses
Your breaths started talking
But now You disappeared in reality.

©Anugrah Varghese