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Life Becomes Difficult When We Give People Worth
Millions Who Are Only Worth A One coin 🪙

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا Life Becomes Difficult When We Give People Worth

Millions Who Are Only Worth A One coin 🪙😔😔
#unfaithful_j_بےوفا  #SAD #Love #Life

Life Becomes Difficult When We Give People Worth Millions Who Are Only Worth A One coin 🪙😔😔 unfaithful_j_بےوفا #SAD Love #Life



I'm Not Going To Find Someone Better
I'm Not Going To Lose Feelings
I Want You And Only You Because
In My Eyes, You Are Perfect.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا I'm Not Going To Find Someone Better
I'm Not Going To Lose Feelings
I Want You And Only You Because
In My Eyes, You Are Perfect.😔😔
#unfaithful_j_بےوفا #Love #sad#SAD #Life

I'm Not Going To Find Someone Better I'm Not Going To Lose Feelings I Want You And Only You Because In My Eyes, You Are Perfect.😔😔 unfaithful_j_بےوفا Love #SAD#SAD #Life



Love Is Like A Cigarette, It's Fun 
At First, But Eventually It Kills You.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا Love Is Like A Cigarette, It's Fun At First, But Eventually It Kills You.
#unfaithful_j_بےوفا 😔😔#love #SAD

Love Is Like A Cigarette, It's Fun At First, But Eventually It Kills You. unfaithful_j_بےوفا 😔😔love #SAD #Life



Don't Love Too Much,
Some Hearts Lack Feelings.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا Don't Love Too Much, Some Hearts Lack Feelings.😔😔#unfaithful_j_بےوفا #Love #love❤ #SAD #Life

Don't Love Too Much, Some Hearts Lack Feelings.😔😔unfaithful_j_بےوفا Love love❤ #SAD #Life



Now that I've learned to be patient,
people say you're insensitive.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا #unfaithful_j_بےوفا #Love #SAD #Heart #SalmanKhan  Now that I've learned to be patient, people say you're insensitive.

unfaithful_j_بےوفا Love #SAD #Heart #SalmanKhan Now that I've learned to be patient, people say you're insensitive. #Life



Me At Night Staring At The Wall
And Asking Myself Why I'm Like This.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا #unfaithful_j_بےوفا #Love #Heart #SAD 
Me At Night Staring At The Wall And Asking Myself Why I'm Like This.

unfaithful_j_بےوفا Love #Heart #SAD Me At Night Staring At The Wall And Asking Myself Why I'm Like This. #Life



Come let's close chapter of this December too. 

Another brick has fallen from the wall of my life
And some of my dear friends who do not understand
are saying that the happy new year

I hope this year will mend broken hearts.
Everyone's problems will end
and everyone will be happy. 
The world is neither yours nor ours,
just learn to be happy,
we are yours now, your are mine.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا #unfaithful_j_بےوفا #Love #love❤ #love #Life 

Come let's close chapter of this December too. 

Another brick has fallen from the wall of my life
And some of my dear friends who do not understand
are saying that the happy new year

unfaithful_j_بےوفا Love love❤ love #Life Come let's close chapter of this December too. Another brick has fallen from the wall of my life And some of my dear friends who do not understand are saying that the happy new year



Me At Night Staring At The Wall
And Asking Myself Why I'm Like This.
میں رات کو دیوار کو گھور رہا ہوں اور اپنے
آپ سے پوچھ رہا ہوں کہ میں ایسا کیوں ہوں۔

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا #unfaithful_j_بےوفا 
میں رات کو دیوار کو گھور رہا ہوں اور اپنے آپ سے پوچھ رہا ہوں کہ میں ایسا کیوں ہوں۔

unfaithful_j_بےوفا میں رات کو دیوار کو گھور رہا ہوں اور اپنے آپ سے پوچھ رہا ہوں کہ میں ایسا کیوں ہوں۔ #Life



I will write to you in my story the last joy of life.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا #unfaithful_j_بےوفا 
I will write to you in my story the last joy of life.

unfaithful_j_بےوفا I will write to you in my story the last joy of life. #Life



میری زندگی میں میں نے ہمیشہ سے ایک غلطی کی
میں نے ہر کسی کو خود سے زیادہ ضروری سمجھا۔
One mistake I have always made in my life is that
I considered everyone more important than myself.

©Unfaithful_j_بےوفا #unfaithful_j_بےوفا 
میری زندگی میں میں نے ہمیشہ سے ایک غلطی کی
میں نے ہر کسی کو خود سے زیادہ ضروری سمجھا۔
One mistake I have always made in my life is that
I considered everyone more important than myself.

unfaithful_j_بےوفا میری زندگی میں میں نے ہمیشہ سے ایک غلطی کی میں نے ہر کسی کو خود سے زیادہ ضروری سمجھا۔ One mistake I have always made in my life is that I considered everyone more important than myself. #Life
