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Abhishek Jha

I love my India

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Abhishek Jha

White They will say something to provoke,
When your reply will be savage,
They will put pictures of comedy
Like they are happy go lucky,
Even in teasing their standard is 6th standard😂,
Like we used to do in school in 2008 and 09
The nostalgia hits you hard
And you will only say only one thing cute.

©Abhishek Jha Nostalgia

Abhishek Jha


रात के अंधेरे में,
बालकनी में खड़े होकर
चाय की चुस्की लेते ही
चश्मे पे जमे हुए भाप ने मुझसे कहा,
"अंधेरा थोड़ा धुंधला ही अच्छा लगता है।"

उसकी सुनता, पर इतने में ही
रात की ख़ामोशी बोल पड़ी,
"अरे, मुझे बाहर क्या ढूंढता है,
मैं तो तेरे अंदर भी हूँ।"

तो मैंने उससे पूछा,
"अच्छा मुझमें,पर मुझमें कहाँ?"
तो बोलती है,
"जरा दिल की गहराइयों में उतर के तो सुन,
ख़ामोशी हूँ, मेरा एक अलग शोर होता है।"

मैं ख़ामोशी की बात सुन ही रहा था,
इतने में बालकनी से गुजरती ठंडी हवा ने कहा,
"अरे, जनाब पहले चाय तो पी लिजिये,
वरना इस अंधेरी रात में खामखा मुझपे इल्ज़ाम लग जाएगा।"

बस इतने में ही गुजरते हुए वक़्त ने कहा,
"बस कीजिए भाईसाहब,
फिर लोग दुनिया को दोष देते हैं,
जबकी वक़्त तो अकेलापन बर्बाद कर देता है।"

©Abhishek Jha रात के अँधेरे में

रात के अँधेरे में #कविता


Abhishek Jha

White मैं मंदिर वहां बनाऊंगा!,
जहाँ मिले दीन का संग!,
मैं ढूंढू ईश्वर को उस जगह !,
जहाँ होती हो ना कोई जंग!,
मैं सदन उसी को बताऊंगा!,
जहाँ मिले वृद्ध को मान!,
मैं समाज तभी कहलाऊंगा!,
जब मुझ में हो नारी सम्मान!,
मैं मानव को वहीँ बसाउंगा!,
जहाँ हो मानवता में विश्वास!,
मैं भविष्य वही देख पाउंगा!,
जहाँ सच्चाई लेती हो साँस!
मैं उस सभ्यता का होके रह जाऊंगा!
शांति हो जिसकी पहचान!,
मैं हर दिन त्यौहार मनाऊंगा!,
जो विश्व हो जाए एक करने विश्वकल्याण!

©Abhishek Jha मेरा स्वपन

मेरा स्वपन #Poetry


Abhishek Jha

White Their track record is not clean,
Selfish peoples are mean,
Their symptoms are clear,
They always have a fear,
The thought of loss give chills to their spine,
They always have habit of saying,"It's mine",
Where Lord krishna said stand for yours
But never claim other's, in greed of mores,
One more symptom they have,
The more you do,the more they crave,
If you deny,then you are selfish for them,
'Selfish,Selfish, I take your name',
Since,everyone knows about themselves,
They accuse you before you stand for yourselves

©Abhishek Jha Selfish

Selfish #Poetry


Abhishek Jha

White Deep in the Ocean,
Deep in the thought,
Both will help you out,
In finding the pearls,
But the deeper you get,
The more you are away,
From the sun ray,
The darker it becomes,
The more you lose visibility,
But for some it's a new ability,
And for some it's simply drowning,
Some see the truth,they didn't knew ever,
While some lose themselves forever

©Abhishek Jha
  The Depth

The Depth #Poetry


Abhishek Jha

White Tickets we all have bought,
And only two luggage we had brought,
In this train we all are passengers,
Sitting with some anonymous strangers,
Then we make some bond with them while travelling, 
That's how we do our levelling,
Unknown from our own destiny,
We vouch to become other's attorney,
But everyone is selfish in this train,
Even you are making bond for your own gain,
The trick is only to make yourself secure,
Only few are there who selflessly cure,
But guess what ticket checker is impartial,
To allow only two luggage is his principle,
These two luggage are your good and bad karma,
To measure weight of both luggage is also his dharma,
Every passanger will be all alone while leaving, 
All that bond will be left and no one will come receiving,
At the end of this journey we will deboard on seperate stations,
Left with a pair of luggage on our final destinations

©Abhishek Jha

Journey #Poetry


Abhishek Jha

White सेहमती हो ही नहीं सकती है,
उस बुरे में इस सही में,
एक अच्छाई और उसके नहीं में ,
लेकिन देखो छोड ना देना कभी तुम,
सच का साथ जिंदगी में,

©Abhishek Jha Sach ka saath

Sach ka saath #Poetry


Abhishek Jha

White Why while all the wrong doings,
Some peoples always take first step,
Why can't they take in good things,
Why they expect others to transcend doorstep,
They commit sins and take huge pride,
Whereas while asking for apology,
They take a very safe side,
Making indirect efforts is their psychology,
Yes,their sorry is indirect,
While sins are very loud and clear,
By being wrongfully stubborn they want to put effect,
For this effect, they can show fake affection and can also instil fear,
If it's their call then they must step ahead,
They must correct it as they wronged,
Their is no conditions in apology to be made,
Otherwise keep on longing as they have longed,
To be forgiven is not their birth right,
Asking for sorry should be in similar fashion,
As,they had put their fight,
Loud and clear with the similar passion.

©Abhishek Jha

Apology #Poetry


Abhishek Jha

White The only thing sinners fail to understand,
All the logic will fail,all the planning gets disturbed,
 Because when the storm of truth takes place,
The magic will begin

©Abhishek Jha

Magic #Quotes


Abhishek Jha

White युं तसवीर लगा के हमें झूठ दिखाना बेकार है!,
 तक्कबुर क्या करेगी बयान वो हकीकत,
जो असलियत हमें पहले से बयान है!,
हम ने देखा था बुरे वक्त तुम्हारे हालातो का तकाज़ा!,
जब देखा था हमने तुम्हारे अपनो को देखेते तुम्हारी बरबादी का नज़ारा!

©Abhishek Jha
  Barbadi ka Nazara

Barbadi ka Nazara #Shayari
