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Priya Nikalje

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Priya Nikalje

White जिंदगी का सफर
हैं ये कैसा सफर 
कोई समझा नहीं 
कोई जाना नहीं 

हैं ये कैसी डगर 
चलते हैं सब मगर 
कोई समझा नहीं 
कोई जाना नहीं

©Priya #Thinking

Priya Nikalje

White Ever felt the fear of losing someone you love to the inevitable flow of time?

We can’t control how long someone stays in our lives, but we can make the time we have with them unforgettable. 

The memories we create become the bonds that keep us connected, even when they’re no longer with us.

While we can’t add more time to life, we can add more life to the time we have.

Let’s replace fear with the joy of cherishing and creating beautiful moments together ❤️

©Priya #GoodMorning

Priya Nikalje

White The true worth of salt is only realized when it’s missing. We may take its presence for granted, but its absence reveals just how much it transforms everything it touches.

The same is true for the people we love. Too often, we overlook their value, caught up in the routines of life. 

But when misunderstandings arise, conflicts divide us, or life’s circumstances—sometimes even death—separate us from them, the emptiness they leave behind is unbearable. 

Only then do we truly understand how much they meant to us, and how much we wish we had cherished them more.

As the saying goes, “Love who you have before life teaches you to love who
you lost.”

Don’t wait!

Don’t let time or regret teach you this lesson the hard way. 

Hold close the ones you value. 

Show your appreciation, serve them, celebrate them, and make them feel special—because time won’t keep them with us forever! 

Note: The separation mentioned in the clip does not refer to one caused by a toxic relationship but one worth cherishing.

©Priya #GoodMorning

Priya Nikalje

White Ever felt the fear of losing someone you love to the inevitable flow of time?

We can’t control how long someone stays in our lives, but we can make the time we have with them unforgettable. 

The memories we create become the bonds that keep us connected, even when they’re no longer with us.

While we can’t add more time to life, we can add more life to the time we have.

Let’s replace fear with the joy of cherishing and creating beautiful moments together ❤️

©Priya #sad_quotes

Priya Nikalje

White Ever felt the fear of losing someone you love to the inevitable flow of time?

We can’t control how long someone stays in our lives, but we can make the time we have with them unforgettable. 

The memories we create become the bonds that keep us connected, even when they’re no longer with us.

While we can’t add more time to life, we can add more life to the time we have.

Let’s replace fear with the joy of cherishing and creating beautiful moments together ❤️

©Priya #GoodNight

Priya Nikalje

White Ever felt the fear of losing someone you love to the inevitable flow of time?

We can’t control how long someone stays in our lives, but we can make the time we have with them unforgettable. 

The memories we create become the bonds that keep us connected, even when they’re no longer with us.

While we can’t add more time to life, we can add more life to the time we have.

Let’s replace fear with the joy of cherishing and creating beautiful moments together ❤️

©Priya #GoodNight

Priya Nikalje

White 2025 goals!

Small and slow beginnings eventually lead to significant and fast growth if we're consistent!

Let’s stay consistent and slay it this year!

©Priya #sad_qoute

Priya Nikalje

White The true worth of salt is only realized when it’s missing. We may take its presence for granted, but its absence reveals just how much it transforms everything it touches.

The same is true for the people we love. Too often, we overlook their value, caught up in the routines of life. 

But when misunderstandings arise, conflicts divide us, or life’s circumstances—sometimes even death—separate us from them, the emptiness they leave behind is unbearable. 

Only then do we truly understand how much they meant to us, and how much we wish we had cherished them more.

As the saying goes, “Love who you have before life teaches you to love who
you lost.”

Don’t wait!

Don’t let time or regret teach you this lesson the hard way. 

Hold close the ones you value. 

Show your appreciation, serve them, celebrate them, and make them feel special—because time won’t keep them with us forever! 

Note: The separation mentioned in the clip does not refer to one caused by a toxic relationship but one worth cherishing.

©Priya #sad_quotes

Priya Nikalje

White Life is like the segment B-D, where B represents ‘Birth’ and D represents ‘Death.’

While we may have no control over ‘B’ or ‘D,’ and the length of each segment may differ, we all have the power to focus on the letter between them — ‘C.’

‘C’ stands for the ‘Choices’ we make, which shape a life filled with happiness, purpose, and meaning.

 Choose wisely.

©Priya #love_shayari

Priya Nikalje

Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through Instagram, seeing someone’s dream job, perfect partner, luxurious home, or a vacation so fancy even their dog has a spa day, and thought, “Why does their life look like a movie while mine feels like the blooper reel?”

Comparison—it’s seems like a built-in feature of the human brain, but who put it there?

Is comparison always the bad guy? Or does it just get a bad rap because social media threw it into overdrive? 

After all, when you’re scrolling through everyone’s highlight reel, it’s hard not to compare it to your behind-the-scenes footage, isn’t it? 

Here are a few thoughts 👆🏼
