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The blankdotts

#26nov ICD

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We, the People of India  *समता, स्वतंत्रता, बन्धुता,करुणा और न्याय पर आधारित भारतीय संविधान दिवस 26 नवम्बर की ढेर सारी बधाई तथा संविधान के रचयिता परमपूज्य बोधिसत्व भारतरत्न बाबासाहब डॉ0भीमराव आंबेडकर को कोटि कोटि नमन* 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

*जयभीम 🖋🖊✒📚 जय भारत* #26nov ICD

Saheb Ehtesham

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The Dream Doodler

The inability sucks.

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As the daily soaps show, they get a new name and a new house when they forget everything in an accident, if I ever happen to forget everything I am now, and start afresh, I want this new power to cry when I want to. The inability sucks.

Varadhan P M

Somethings You can do

Someother things you may not be able to do .
Why mix up both.?

Let what you can do not mix up with

what you cannot do!  #ability #inability #mixed #confusionsinlife

Aleem Aamir Salati

#Walk to Remember

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Karnataka Tripper

dare to walk.. #ಜೀವನ

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#walkalone #Walk #alone WALK ANYTHING TO TALK #Motivational

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Shreya Choudhary

#inability #girl life love #yqbaba

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"So which is your favourite moment of us?",he asked.
"The moment you make me your life, even after knowing all the inabilities of my body", she replied. #inability #girl #life #love #yqbaba


A walk to remember... #poem #nojotophoto

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 A walk to remember...