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Udayan Dutta (শ্রীসূক্ত উদয়ন)

Prince Martin

White Beyond the storyverse 

 Martin is a writer, residing in the hearts of the North eastern state of Nagaland, he is obsessed with creating fictional stories and characters. He doesn't like real life, he prefers to stay in his own world. A world of fantasy and imagination. After a while, he starts to wonder what would happen if his characters came to life. He started writing stories every week to fill the pages of his book that he never intended to publish and he named the book The story verse. 

Suddenly,  his characters started to appear in the real world one by one, and soon the characters realized they were not real. Martin coincidentally met one female character of his story and because of Martin  she  realized her existence is nothing  but an entire book of  fictional narratives and he had to deal with the consequences of his writings. He doesn't understand how or why this happened, but he realizes that his world is changing in unimaginable ways. Martin is the key to solve all those problems but he doesn't know about his role yet in this story

©Prince Martin #City #Martin #UNIQUE #Universe #story #Quote


soulmate🩷 SAD Trending soulmate Quote

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Anant Ratan

unique knowledge #Motivational

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Unique #UNIQUE love❤ poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Poetry

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Something different
Rare and unique
Not of the ordinary
Beautiful technique

Unusual and complex
Forward and blunt
Straight, right to the point
You have me stunned

Interesting and smart
I'm curiously learning
Not for the weak at heart
Now have me yearning

Excited but cautious
Eager yet careful
Like the turtle said
Go at a slow level

Very strong minded
Intelligent opinions
Intimidating at times
Intriguing propositions

©Schizology Unique

#UNIQUE #love❤ #poem✍🧡🧡💛


Ramji Mishra

dance jab unique ho... #Life

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#Tulips #Love #soulmate Poetry #romance

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