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Best SIहिंदी Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

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  • 176 Stories


◆SIबहानेंनबनाओ is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 ◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️ ◆ Check out our pinned post. #atrisheartfeelings #ananttripathi

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अब लौट कर
वापस आ जाओ
कहां है महफ़िल की
चमक सब पूछते हैं
किस किस को क्या
जवाब दूं जब हम
ख़ुद तुम्हे ही ढूंढते हैं ◆#SIबहानेंनबनाओ is out 
   for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt 
   with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

◆ Check out our pinned post.
#atrisheartfeelings #ananttripathi


◆SIवजहकुछभीहो is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 ◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️ ◆ Check out our pinned post. #atrisheartfeelings

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लेकिन उनका मुझसे दूर होना
अकेला कर गया मुझको
कोशिश की थी मैने उन्हे मनाने की
पर उनका घमंड दूर कर गया मुझको ◆#SIवजहकुछभीहो is out 
   for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt 
   with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

◆ Check out our pinned post.

Suchita Pandey

🖤 #SIएकपलतुमबिन is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 🖤 We invite you to engrave on our beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️ #sublimeinscriptions #yqsublimeinscriptions

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वो भी अब बेगाने हो चले है ,
           जो कहते थे कल - तक
एक  पल  तुम  बिन 
            न  जी  पायेंगे  कभी..!! 
                🖤 #SIएकपलतुमबिन is out 
for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

🖤 We invite you to engrave on our 
beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️


Suchita Pandey

🖤 #SIदोदिनकीज़िन्दगी is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 🖤 We invite you to engrave on our beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️ #sublimeinscriptions #yqsublimeinscriptions

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फ़िर क्यों सोचे कल की , 
आज में है ज़िन्दगी !
जी लो ये ज़िन्दगी... 
जी लो ये ज़िन्दगी..!! 🖤 #SIदोदिनकीज़िन्दगी is out 
for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

🖤 We invite you to engrave on our 
beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️


Poonam Suyal

Good Morning Inscriptors 🙏🏻 ◆SIफ़िरकिसीमोड़पर is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 ◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

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मिलोगे तुम मुझे 
तो बताएँगे हाल-ए-दिल,
तुम्हें हम अपना 
अभी तो इन वादियों में 
दिल खो दिया है हमने अपना  Good Morning Inscriptors 🙏🏻

◆#SIफ़िरकिसीमोड़पर is out 
   for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt 
   with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

Poonam Suyal

Good Morning Inscriptors 🙏🏻 🖤 #SIतुझमेंदिखतीहैझलक is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 🖤 We invite you to engrave on our beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

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मुझे खुद की ही 
तू है आईना मेरा,
तेरे सामने ही आते....
मैं तुझसे कुछ छुपा,
सकती ही नहीं  Good Morning Inscriptors 🙏🏻

🖤 #SIतुझमेंदिखतीहैझलक is out 
for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

🖤 We invite you to engrave on our 
beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

Amar Gudge

ಏನಿದೆ ನಿನ್ನ ಮನಸಲ್ಲಿ ಹೇಳೋ.. #ಉಸಿರುಸಾಲುಗಳು 🖤 #SIक्याइरादाहै is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions🤗 🖤 We invite you to engrave on our beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

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ಲೇ ಇವಳೇ
ನನಸಲಿ ಬಂದವಳೇ
ಬಿಡದೇ ಸತಾಯಿಸುವಳೇ
ನೀನೆಂದೆಂದೂ ನನ್ನವಳೇ.. ಏನಿದೆ ನಿನ್ನ ಮನಸಲ್ಲಿ ಹೇಳೋ..
🖤 #SIक्याइरादाहै is out 
for collab by Sublime Inscriptions🤗

🖤 We invite you to engrave on our 
beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

Manisha T.

Good Afternoon Inscriptors 🙏🏻 🖤 #SIमतकरसवाल is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 🖤 We invite you to engrave on our beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

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उनके जवाब तो होंगे लेकिन
ये पन्ने और ये दिन कम पड़ जाएंगे....
थोड़ा जी ही लेते हैं,
वरना ये दिन ही कम पड़ जाएगा,
जीने को.... Good Afternoon Inscriptors 🙏🏻

🖤 #SIमतकरसवाल is out 
for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

🖤 We invite you to engrave on our 
beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

Manisha T.

🖤 #SIतेरेख़यालोंमें is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 🖤 We invite you to engrave on our beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️ #sublimeinscriptions #yqsublimeinscriptions

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डूबने का सोचा तो था,
लेकिन फिर कुछ ऐसा दिखा गया
कि हम सोच में पड़ गए,
नशा तुम में ज़्यादा है या उस जाम में.... 🖤 #SIतेरेख़यालोंमें is out 
for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

🖤 We invite you to engrave on our 
beautiful picture with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️


Anita Saini

Good Evening Inscriptors 🙏🏻 ◆SIलेकरतन्हादिल is out for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗 ◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️

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बताओ किधर जाएँ
हम जिधर भी जाएँ
कमबख़्त दिल को 
वो ही वो क्यूँ याद आएँ...? Good Evening Inscriptors 🙏🏻

◆#SIलेकरतन्हादिल is out 
   for collab by Sublime Inscriptions 🤗

◆We invite you to engrave on our prompt 
   with your sublime inscriptions 🖋️