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Best ssrdeathanniversary Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

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  • 5 Stories

Divyani Choudhary

It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #Collab. #alreadyayear #SushantSinghRajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba #divukikalamse #बिहार #पटना #सुशांत_सिंह_राजपूत

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#पटना में जन्म लिया ;
दिल्ली से वो आया था।
#बिहार का रहने वाला ;
आज सबके दिलों पे छाया था ।
अपनी मेहनत से उसने;
बड़े मुकाम को पाया था ।
छोटी सी उम्र मे उसने;
ऊंचा नाम कमाया था ।
'पवित्र रिश्ता' मे उसने;
रिश्तों को सुलझाया था ।
दोस्तों के संग रहकर जीना;
'काई पो छे मे' सिखलाया था।
संघर्ष भरा ये जीवन अपना;
'एम.एस.धोनी' मे दिखलाया था।
'कमो' बनकर उसने;
'छिछोरे' मे खुब हंसाया था ।
फिर ना जाने किस गम ने;
उसको इतना सताया था ।
उसका 'दिल बेचारा;
कुछ बया न कर पाया था।
#सुशांत_सिंह_राजपूत 🙏🙏 It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #collab. #alreadyayear #sushantsinghrajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Dr. Intaajuur Rahman

It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #Collab. #alreadyayear #SushantSinghRajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

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and believe me
people still love you
like they did It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #collab. #alreadyayear #sushantsinghrajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba


It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #Collab. #alreadyayear #SushantSinghRajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

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A Sunday morning awaited a storm
As the  pandemic ravaged the world
A noble soul took the great journey of life
Leaving all shell-shocked

A television star who made it big at the movies
Adept in prowess of acting and expressions
Navigating through turbulent billows of life
His contagious smile, emotional quotient
Tantalizingly out of reach now


P.S.- His message for us:
Money + Recognition +Excitement
= true meaning of success.” It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #collab. #alreadyayear #sushantsinghrajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba


It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #Collab. #alreadyayear #SushantSinghRajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

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and still the mystery 
behind your death 
is unrevealed! It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #collab. #alreadyayear #sushantsinghrajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

Dr Upama Singh

It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #Collab. #alreadyayear #SushantSinghRajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

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तुम इतने कमजोर निकलोगे 
तुमसे ये उम्मीद ना थी 
लड़ना था तुम्हें बन एक योद्धा
जैसे आज भी लड़ रही बॉलीवुड से 
इस वक्त की मानकर्णिका 
वक्त के आगे क्यों हार गए तुम 
ऐसे शख्स जो कोई गिरा ना सका 
फिर क्यों मौत को गले लगा 
सबको क्यों हिला दिया
आज भी तुम्हारी मौत हलक से ना नीचे उतरी
आज भी तुम्हें याद कर नैनों से आंसू बह चली। It's Sushant Singh Rajput's death anniversary today. The loss that seemed personal to all of us. Dedicate your tribute to him through this #collab. #alreadyayear #sushantsinghrajput #ssr #ssrdeathanniversary #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba

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