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Best turtleandhare Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best turtleandhare Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos about afflictions of a hawksbill sea turtle, the red turtle, tur dal in english, tur dal in marathi, rabbit and turtle story new version,

  • 1 Stories

Hari Varma

11012021 - 11/365 Why all men's beard grows faster than hair? Just like the race of the Turtle and Hare. Hair gets withdrawn as they grow over time. As man gets wiser and withdraws like a monk. Beard sure grows but is trimmed or shaved. #yqbaba #Bald #writingresolution #365days365quotes #limerick #varmaji #hairandbeard #turtleandhare

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11012021 - 11/365

Why all men's beard grows faster than hair?
Just like the race of the Turtle and Hare.
Hair gets withdrawn as they grow over time.
As man gets wiser and withdraws like a monk.
Beard sure grows but is trimmed or shaved.
 11012021 - 11/365

Why all men's beard grows faster than hair?
Just like the race of the Turtle and Hare.
Hair gets withdrawn as they grow over time.
As man gets wiser and withdraws like a monk.
Beard sure grows but is trimmed or shaved.

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