A petrified arena of life, untouched and unloved. Dear Rain, Would you consider me insane if I will write few strings of words for you? Ah, I don't know how I'll frame words in this little corner of mine when for the whole time you've been all over the sky - fearlessly looking down to shower down on earth in between those thunders of light.It's not that I've decided to write for you because you're already here with all roar and shivering of the winters. I am pouring my words on paper because I was thinking it would be a bit peaceful if rain would be here, and you never disappoint me. I was looking for light in intricacies of life, and you're here to take me out of all potholes on my palms. And, it's not only something inside me that is freezing thinnest corners of my nerves but there is something dark and gloomy threading down to ashes, outside. A petrified arena of life, untouched and unloved. It's like being stuck in a blackhole of your own and the only way out is to believe that there is a light, and for me you're that light - a box of scintillating fairy lights. You're a saviour in darkest of days, and shower of love in zero gravity regions. You know its like nothingness and happiness exist together when I see raindrops hiding somewhere into window sills. A journey of peaceful and painful shots, at a particular time.Irony is that words and raindrops are similar, you profoundly fall for them when they form strings - an infinite loop of beauty and ecstasy bound together.