#OpenPoetry SOMETHING I LOOK AT-49 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Where is that space in our heart for those who made their day and night together to let us stand and made us what we are. Do we pay anything for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the sunshine that keeps us alive? or we are just apathetic to our own survival? Where is the heart, that beats? Are we so selfish having no space in our heart for those significant others and the environment that sustains and nourishes us all along? Are we bundles of self-interests, Is our value system, the sum total of naked self-interests, largely defined in terms of material gain or something else? Our selfish will have put us in a dark corner and for our own doings we are in the depth of the abyss. No way out, we are to realise the truth that by having a genuine concern and love for others we are but helping our own existence. In our heart we are to create that space for others and learn to live together and love each other to come out of the depth of the abyss where we are, or else with all our economic development and sophisticated idiocy we are but leading our civilization to its death, poignant and premature. copyright@smrutiranjan 3.8.2017 #SOMETHING I LOOK AT-49 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Where is that space in our heart for those who made their day and night together to let us stand and made us what we are.