Some say, the Path defines the End; Some say, the

Some say, the Path defines the End;
Some say, the End should show the Path.
Some say, the Path is the End in itself;
Some say, the Path isn't important but the End is.

Don't believe in the "Some"s
Let me show you the truth.
You know the End because You decide the End.
You take the Path towards the End, so
You decide the Path, too.
Neither the Path, Nor the End defines what you are or who you are.
It's been You, It is You and it's always.. 
 #the_path or  ? #the_end
I say,"Neither"
Some say, the Path defines the End;
Some say, the End should show the Path.
Some say, the Path is the End in itself;
Some say, the Path isn't important but the End is.

Don't believe in the "Some"s
Let me show you the truth.
You know the End because You decide the End.
You take the Path towards the End, so
You decide the Path, too.
Neither the Path, Nor the End defines what you are or who you are.
It's been You, It is You and it's always.. 
 #the_path or  ? #the_end
I say,"Neither"