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Recap... Zoi, an albatross chick bird, and other


Zoi, an albatross chick bird, and other albatross chicks are left alone on Layson Island by their parents. Their only hope for survival is to fly into the ocean. But they know the risk they must take—a chance of getting eaten by the tiger sharks since their first flight will never be long. They tend to land on water immediately after taking off. Zoi gazes helplessly at the merciless slaughter of his companions by the sharks. 

Zoi (Part 9)

The sharks continue to attack and devour as many young Albatrosses as possible to have a satisfying feast. That's the only reason these tiger sharks swam thousands of kilometres and reached here. They are well aware of the yearly Albatross breeding season on Layson Island and, most importantly, the time of their maiden takeoff, when these young chicks are forced to land in the waters. These tiger sharks make the best use of it. A few hours before or after would have made their travel a waste. But they consistently arrive at Layson Island right on time year after year.
One can only be amazed by the incredible intuitive power of animals that nature has bestowed on them. At the same time, one can't help but feel sorry for all the innocent victims of these predators. Not to mention my feelings for the young ones who end their lives even before they begin to feel the beauty of life.
 As the documentary progresses, my curiosity snowballs to know what destiny has written for Zoi, who I believe is scared to death, watching the massacre in broad daylight. He keeps chirping as his eyes are shown in close-up, which reflects the uncertainty ahead in his life, an imminent danger that he must overcome at any cost to breathe the beautiful life waiting for him. This is the only time, and all the chicks have to move on now, or they will die of hunger on this island, as no parent will return to feed them. The wind will also leave, not to return soon. Indeed, it's a do-or-die situation, and these attacks are not encouraging. Nothing motivates them other than life itself; hence, there's no looking back.

To be continued...

  #Birds #Ocean #survival #Life #zoi #ALBATROSS #Sharks #Netflix 


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#Birds #Ocean #survival #Life #zoi #ALBATROSS #Sharks #Netflix IMAGE SOURCE: NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY