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Only through words can I take you wherever you need and make you feel whatever you wish by browsing through my write-ups here as well as in my blog " and Instagram @krishnan17.

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At times, we react harshly to our dear loved ones (our parents, spouse, children, siblings, and friends) while we are busy with some important things or work, whenever they try to engage with us. Maybe it's an important matter or just another simple thing. Nevertheless, whatever it is, their feelings will definitely be hurt. Some of them will wait patiently for our attention; others will walk away, leaving us with our important things. But remember, unknowingly or knowingly, we have created unnecessary ripples in their emotions and need to patch up with them immediately. Because nothing is permanent in this world, and what we have is the moment we live. Hence, we need to acknowledge whatever they have to say in a very polite manner and buy time if we cannot address their query.
In fact, I too have gone through such a situation and felt very sorry for neglecting their queries!

  #Life #Relationships #Emotions #Feeling #moments #Love #writer


A long wait 

It's been long, more than a year
John left, promising to return soon
his words echoing, loud and clear 
Anne waits, morning, night and noon, 

A faint knock is heard on the door 
opening the door, she meets a stranger 
who drops a leather pouch on the floor 
it was John's who worked as a ranger, 

Anne's teardrops fell like rain all over
when he said, John fell off from a hill
John sent a letter in his pouch for her
the stranger left, Anne's cry grew shrill, 

I shall get well, to be with you on and on
in your arms always stays, rest of my life 
John wrote, as Anne's long wait went on
counting days and nights, his dear wife.

  #wife #Love #waiting #beloved #Poetry #poem #Poet


White कहते हैं इच्छाओं के झाँसे में मत आना 
और बड़ा आसान है ये कहना 
आखिर हम सब इंसान की औलाद है 
हमारे दिल में कई अनकही लाखों फरियाद है 
जब किसी एक पर उम्मीद की रोशनी गिरें 
तो हम भला फिर क्या करें ?

  #Khwaish #aarzu #Shayari #ummeed #ख्वाइश #उम्मीद #शायरी #fariyad


White A father is that caring soul who will 
go to any extent to ensure his child is safe.

A possessive soul will sacrifice all his happiness for the sake of his child.

An alrounder for his child, who is ready to accompany his child in any game, ride, or adventure sport, even if he dislikes any of them.

An angry man who will correct his child whenever he or she steps on the wrong path.

Above all, he is a loving soul who envisions
a better life for his child.

  #fathers_day #Love #Care #FathersDay #father



I had to be on an official visit to Colombo during the early 1990s when Sri Lanka was in the grip of a civil war. On my first day in Colombo, two cops appeared outside my hotel room. They questioned me and searched my passport. One of the cops gave me a puzzled look and whispered to his colleague. Within seconds, he asked me, "Is this how you arrived from the airport?"

My First Day in Colombo....CHAPTER 3

Within seconds, Cop 2 asked me, "Is this how you arrived at the airport?" I was perplexed and nervous, and before I could say anything, the two cops began to laugh. Cop 1 remarked, "Mr. Krishnan, you have put your Banian (vest) outside your T-shirt. Did you arrive from the airport in this manner? Cop 2 handed my passport over to me. It felt like a weight off my shoulders, and I couldn't stop laughing as I looked at myself wearing my white Banian over a dark blue T-shirt. The hotel staff, too, burst into laughter; perhaps they wanted to say, "Your comedy of errors has made the cops smile and eased the situation!"
Looking at the cops, I clarified, "I just had a bath and was about to dress when you knocked. It all happened in a hurry." "Now, go back and dress properly before leaving the hotel," advised Cop 2.
"Have a good evening and a pleasant stay in Colombo," Cop 1
wished before leaving. With a deep sense of relief, I glanced at a hotel staff member who had remained with me. Looking at those cops, he clarified my doubts: "They were Sinhalese Sri Lankan cops, who always conduct a routine check when new guests check in due to the ongoing civil war." Luckily, you were a Keralite, providing a respite from too many questions. If you were from Tamil Nadu, the situation would be different, and I assume the questioning would continue because of the ongoing LTTE (Tamil Rebel Group) civil    war. That evening, I had a pleasant walk on the beach. Since then, I have spoken and heard only English, Hindi, and Malayalam in Sri Lanka !!! 

The End

  #reallife #Life #Life_experience #moments



It was the early 1990s, and it was my first day in Colombo. A civil war was at its peak during the 1990's, in Sri Lanka. I was
on assignment for my Indian company. I had landed in Colombo during and had just checked into a hotel. Immediately after my bath, I heard a knock on my door. I was shocked to see two cops and two hotel staff members standing in the corridor outside my room!

My First Day in Colombo… CHAPTER 2

"What's your name?" Cop 1 inquired. "Where are you from?"
Cop 2 added. "My name is Krishnan, and I'm from India." I politely answered. "Please stand aside," Cop 2 instructed, and he began looking at my room, including the bathroom.
Cop 1 began to speak in Tamil, which I couldn't grasp because of my poor understanding of Tamil. I replied in English, "Pardon me, I did not understand." 
"Why have you come to Colombo?" Cop 1 continued in English, as he was convinced I did not understand Tamil. "Show your passport," Cop 2 instructed. My heart sank when he requested my passport. I feared I would be in trouble if they held it for some reason. I showed them my passport and visa, which showed the name of our local agency as my sponsor, and all the documentation related to my assignment.
I also gave them information about our company's products and briefed them about my assignment. "So you are from Kerala," said Cop 1, flipping through my passport with a smile. Cop 2 stared at me for around 30 seconds, giving me a puzzled look.  He then looked at Cop 1 and whispered something to him, pointing at me. I began to feel butterflies in my stomach as my heartbeat raced. Both the hotel staff were also confused as they exchanged glances. They first looked at the cops, then at me. They might have wanted to ask me, "What's wrong?"
Within seconds, the two cops asked me, "Is this how you arrived from the airport?" I was perplexed and nervous...

To be continued...

  #Life #Life_experience #Life_Experiences #moments #reallife


My First Day in Colombo… CHAPTER 1

When I was working in Thiruvananthapuram, India, in the early 1990s, my company sent me on an assignment to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Two personnel from our local agency in Colombo picked me up from the airport and took me to a hotel on Sunday evening. They departed after confirming they would pick me up from the hotel at 8:00 a.m. the following day. Sri Lanka was in the grip of a civil war in the 1990s, and my deputation was amidst this crisis.
The sound of the waves lapping the shores enticed me to take a walk on the beach, which was a walkable distance from my hotel. So, I had a quick shower, and as I stepped out of the bathroom, there was a knock on my door. The knock on the door persisted. I was preoccupied with dressing and couldn't open the door immediately.
The knock resumed, and this time, it was more forceful. I sensed something odd because this knock was not from a hotel employee. They wouldn't knock so hard. Within seconds, the knock became verbal but polite: "Please open the door."
After quickly putting on the clothes that came into my hands, I opened the door. My heart skipped a beat when I saw two people in uniforms, and my guess was correct; they were the cops. But why had they knocked on my door? Two hotel staff members accompanied them. In those days, I never had the convenience 
of carrying a cell phone, so I couldn't contact the employees of our local agent, who had dropped me off.

To be continued....

  #Life_experience #Life #work #Travel


May taught me that nothing goes too slow, whatever my favourite time, my favourite get-together, or my favourite holiday.

I just had a wonderful family holiday trip to North East India this May, and it went so fast that even before I could feel the pulse of happiness we were going through, we were standing at the airport on our last leg of the trip, returning back home! 

Yes, nothing is permanent. Hence, I make the best use of the moment with my loved ones. May has gone; soon we will be at the end of June...
Life's like that, and so is time!

  #Travel #Memories #Life #moments


Black My loved ones 

 June walked just in, like
a pendulum's strike
that once again reminds me
life's on a running spree

Still, I yearn for tomorrow
in a distance with joy or sorrow 
all along, it's been waiting for me
which I'm unsure of as I can't see

A beautiful day is right here
filled with my people, so dear
whose love and care I can't ignore 
ready for me, always in store

Time is moving so fast somehow
 in June, we are already now
whatever my life goals are
from my loved ones, I can't be far

  #Morning #Poetry #poem #Relationship #lovedones #Love #Life #people


It was a beautiful evening. The waves danced to the tune of gentle breeze that was blowing around the beach. I got my legs wet playing with the waves and decided to rest for a while, looking towards the crimson-red sunset on the horizon.
A girl, around 5 or 6 years old, was building a castle in the sand and a tunnel to access the castle.She had done with the castle but was unable to complete the tunnel; the sand was crumbling down. I saw her trying at least ten times. Sometimes, she sat thinking with her chin resting on her fist, but she never gave up. Often, she looked at me and smiled. It seems the sun slowed down the sunset and waited for her to complete.
Walking into the waves, she collected water in her little hands and poured it to tighten the sand. She repeated it a number of times. At last, the tunnel was done. Her smile on the little face was the moment of the day.I still remember her innocent, cute smile of success.
The sun continued its way into the horizon, and before walking away, I approached her and clapped my hands. She didn't say a word but proudly looked at her work before gifting me with a smile!

  #Life #innocentchild #innocence #Smile