Happiness has different notions at different times. At times I love stillness When nothing is happening at all. You feel that everything is so still. No white rabbits( distractions) in your mind. Listening to your heartbeats. When you just don't want to pick up your phone to check notifications. No random thought of clicking pictures. Mostly the writing gives me pleasure and at times when I am not able to write anything, that is satisfactory as well, why? Because then I open the books. The good thing about books is that no matter how much you ignore them or keep them in a dark corner or travel with them without reading a single page of them still they would welcome you with open arms. They will bring a smile to your face and may fill your heart with empathy. They may bring tears to your eyes or may offer you some amazing thoughts which may be light like a feather or heavy like a giant rock. #yqbaba #randomthoughts #books #happiness #stillness #peace #happywithmyself Just a random thought, it may not mean anything to most of the readers but at times one writes for the simple pleasure of writing.