I always wonder about the infinite possibilities hidden in this cosmic arena, Like I look at the blues of sky and wonder about the life beyond it, I look at the moon and wonder what if it also wants some sleep, I wonder what if sometimes sun feels drowsy and doesn't want to rise, I wonder what if the stars are dying to make a wish, I wonder what if the clouds are getting drunk just to dance on the beats of thunder, I wonder whether the universe looks at me the way I look at it. Today is Georges Lemaître's 124th birthday. His description of the beginning of universe was “the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation,” in his paper. Later Astronomer Fred Hoyle gave it the name, Big Bang. Use #Stardust and talk to the universe or maybe just listen and share what you heard. _______ YourQuote Postman has a new challenge for you all! Imagine if you were in prison, what would you want to say to the world? Write a letter and send it to postman@yourquote.in #Collab Challenge