Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

21032021 - 80/365 - Angels and Gods Beep beep sou

21032021 - 80/365 - Angels and Gods

Beep beep sounded incessantly 
Dripping liquid join the blood stream. 
Occasional squeaking of wheel chairs
Muffled paging over the speakers
Rustling of fresh clothes replacing 
The old once from which
A person discharged or a body moved. 
At times the smell of spirit
At times the moaning of pain
Not great situation to be in
In a hospital even for a few hours
Yet that is where 
the Angels and God's live
And save our life and body 21032021 - 80/365 - Angels and Gods

Beep beep sounded incessantly 
Dripping liquid join the blood stream. 
Occasional squeaking of wheel chairs
Muffled paging over the speakers
Rustling of fresh clothes replacing 
The old once from which
21032021 - 80/365 - Angels and Gods

Beep beep sounded incessantly 
Dripping liquid join the blood stream. 
Occasional squeaking of wheel chairs
Muffled paging over the speakers
Rustling of fresh clothes replacing 
The old once from which
A person discharged or a body moved. 
At times the smell of spirit
At times the moaning of pain
Not great situation to be in
In a hospital even for a few hours
Yet that is where 
the Angels and God's live
And save our life and body 21032021 - 80/365 - Angels and Gods

Beep beep sounded incessantly 
Dripping liquid join the blood stream. 
Occasional squeaking of wheel chairs
Muffled paging over the speakers
Rustling of fresh clothes replacing 
The old once from which

Hari Varma

New Creator

21032021 - 80/365 - Angels and Gods Beep beep sounded incessantly Dripping liquid join the blood stream. Occasional squeaking of wheel chairs Muffled paging over the speakers Rustling of fresh clothes replacing The old once from which #Doctors #Nurses #writingresolution #365days365quotes #varmaji