This is a tale of two hearts, my love. The one that never stopped beating and the one you could never hear stop beating. //caption// You stay awake the hours when the stars fade away into an unknown, invisible constellation and the sun stops hiding behind the dark facades of the moon. Almost everyday you stay awake during these hours and you hum to your dreams, the unsung lullaby of a morning escape into a world, a bit less morbid than the brief nightmare that woke you up. When all is quite and you're sure the owls would not be calling out to you, in your bleary eyed awareness,recite yourself the tale you once heard of a life surging through an invisible garden in the far away corner of your faded childhood memories. If you want, you'll have my voice guiding you through the words and blanks and pauses and metaphors. This is a tale of two hearts, my love. The one that never stopped beating and the one you could never hear stop beating. Of elfish tricks and boyish charms, are made up these rules in the rulebook of anonymous love. You cut through the wild forest of wilder desires with your silver knife that still gleams, slightly rusted, underneath the rainbow of the moon.