Gentle Massacres.
We are massacres, we’re ruins.
We’re soil holding strong our sins.
We’re the hands held together that dance around greed. #Spring#yourquotebaba#NAPOWRIMO#elegy
Sanjana Kumar
I miss you, woman. For all the show you put up about not liking shades of peach, you looked like the freshest breeze. I feel like I only write because you're there in my head.
This, the end of February – the more we approach it, the more I feel your arms around my shoulders.
A soft squeeze where today it’s a heaviness in the air that leaves me crying out in intervals because I’ve missed you.
Tribute to the Rivers that Died.
A sun melts on my palm;
it navigates through the lines on it - rivers in a gold rush - the life line,
the line that rings in my lover,
the line that holds a currency in silk threads, the line that narrates a wind gasp from the far west.
Skin torches up in a sweet scorch, #Sun#yourquote#yqbaba
Sanjana Kumar
This felt just right. After a while.
A warmest vote of gratitude to all those beautiful queens who held me through when things seemed unlike home.
Also. Namoos , I almost never know what I'd do without you because you pop up like the angel you are at the best of times. We miss her, but we'll be strong together.
Collaborating with Rest Zone
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba
Sanjana Kumar
Based on a prompt by Airplane Poetry Movement.
Things I didn’t know I loved.
The bedsheet sprawls itself in lazy agonies, my sighs in every crease, my feet pulling it towards my fingers where I can bunch it inside my fist, so I don’t have the urge to press down on it hard with my teeth.
To smear my screams across the stray threads that run in unruly braids, to lend a rough caress to each dredged patch that needs a little love - a little sew here, and a little sew there.
Sanjana Kumar
Tomorrow Deserves To Be Young.
Everything is replaceable until today.
Today we're strangers not yet in love.
Tomorrow we'll cross paths and apologize through a silly laugh.
Curious about the discomfort of a skipped heartbeat while it'll be raining down from above.
There'll only be a few things we can replace thereafter. #yourquote#yqbaba#tomorrow#yourquotebaba#rains
Sanjana Kumar
Prompt by APM.
From a sunflower to a rainbow.
The dawn washes over me, the youth of the day leaves its sweet spell spilt all on my face, spiraling into my core, through to my very roots.
Sometimes the love is harsh, it's the sun's love.
But I'd rather wave my arms a little more mellow, look the giver in the eye, than to droop my eyes down lower to the ground. Sweet sweet mother earth, she holds me and yet I must pay my homage to the colour I see on my skin.
I tell you all of this because #Rainbow#yourquote#yqbaba#yourquotebaba#lockdownpoemsforA
Sanjana Kumar
A prompt by Airplane Poetry Movement
In a hidden corner of the universe, the sound of a snail moving and moving away is still distinct, as if time really did it the honour of standing still and the dew drop decided to lie down gentler than usual, on the big leaf you caress.
Today, in this space where a snowflake today, was a raindrop yesterday and may be a sand dune in itself tomorrow, I must confess to you, you make me believe in all the intricacies romance has to offer. In all the #yourquote#yqbaba#NAPOWRIMO#lockdownpoemsforA
Sanjana Kumar
Board Games.
Now that my street remains unswept, the dead-crisp-withered-fallen leaves, with all their scorched elegance, sweep over the dying spring with their autumn. Like it's a dim ending of the honey-sun and not a surge of the silver hued gold in the sun-gleam.
These are tall and upright trees, with a certain attraction that differs in the eloquence that the crooked will to divert from a known way, has to offer.
I don't smile at them often. But sometimes I must. And sometimes I must ackn #Summer#Puzzle#yourquote#yqbaba#yourquotebaba#NAPOWRIMO#napowrimo2020#lockdownpoemsforA